Dad is building me a light saber. It has a way to go. I want it now. Patience you must have my young Padawan.

This week’s science experiment: elephant toothpaste!

Is it going to explode?!

Nah. Pretty cool, though!

Hadley and Hudson came over for dinner.

And Meera came over on the weekend. Two play dates in one week. Mom and Dad will never be the same.

The harvest from our cherry tree was less than impressive.

You thought the landscaping project was done, didn’t you? You must know the Bigs don’t rest…
check our our new hanging plants in the backyard:

and new planters on the front porch.

Best part is: everything is watered automatically!

Dad’s birthday was this week, so we wore funny hats:

And had carrot cake:

My latest construction project. I’m learning to use screws:

So much going on every week with great learning experiences for EM. Landscaping looks great – I’m sure Stephanie would like to have everything watered automatically. Carrot cake looks great as well although I’d be inclined to double up on the frosting between layers.
Someone looked surprised during their experiment. Yard is really looking nice. FYI not much comparison between your Carrot Cake and Stop and Shop.