
Week 2 of ninja training. Yes, I have the same clothes on as last week’s ninja training. I am a creature of habit.

The intensity increased this week.

I got the job done.

Ninjas are supposed to be deadly and silent, but sometimes you gotta smile because you are having so much fun!

On occasion I stand still.

Those moments are brief and far between.

The weather report said it was supposed to be a wintery mix on Saturday. Wrong.

If The Bigs weren’t tired enough from me – Mom watched Sophie for 4.5 hours on Sunday (yes, she counted every minute), so Dad, Jess, and Tom could ski in the Great Nordeen cross country race. Here we are at 6 am.

Still smiling at 10:30.

Mom is still alive, barely.

Ahi noodle bowl. Best meal ever:

Ninja Training

This week, I embarked on my journey to become a ninja. I was a bit uneasy (terrified?) as my training began,

but I quickly loosened up and had a blast.

Check out my ninja sock:

Did I enjoy ninja training? Yes, I did!

When I’m not busy fighting fires,

I’m designing and constructing ShapeMag buildings:

Branch room self portraits. (Yes, Alex is a show-off.)

This week, we borrowed Paulie Pastrami Achieves World Peace from the library. When we read that in the morning, we eat breakfast with my globe:

A fun and safe indoor activity that I particularly enjoy involves using my stomp rocket

to shoot stuffies off of Mom’s head:

This weekend was awesome! I got to ski with Reese!

The Bigs made us some tasty food this week. Mussels:

Chocolate almond pie:

Bacon waffles. (That’s right, waffles with pieces of bacon in them.) With extra bacon, of course:

Avocado toast. (Plenty of bacon in here, as well.)


I need lots of fuel, because I am almost always in motion.


Check out my cool new Nirvana t-shirt! Thanks, Uncle Geoff!

Playing Hissss with the Bigs. Thanks, Great Auntie Cheryl!

We are finally getting snow. The Bigs had a Thursday-powder-day without me. Not cool.

Early morning shoveling/snowball throwing:

Skiing some powder on the Little Pine lift:

Sometimes you feel like a ninja:

Post-ski lunch in the back of the car:

That’s not a snowman. The Bigs are awful listeners:

Skiing in the blizzard near Swampy Sno-Park. We only went 1.5 miles, but The Bigs said it was good endurance training. I guess my incessant complaining, blowing snow, and cold temperatures make for mental toughness.

Not really making use of the TowWhee, but at least Dad won’t lose me:

New Years #5

Traditional New Year’s Eve dinner – posole and margaritas.

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Happy New Year!

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Out with the edgie wedgie and in with the real skiing.

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Fun fact about me: I don’t even need a costume, to be wearing a costume.

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Hope your year is super.

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