Castle of Dragons 2020

Yaya sent me The Big Book of Experiments. Here I am making dancing raisins (currants, actually). I love science. I demand to do a new experiment every night.

Next experiment: secret messages.

Third experiment: rainbow bubble snake.

The Bigs are determined not to let me be one of these kids who can’t tell time on an analog clock. Up next: cursive writing.

We did our annual bike ride to the Castle of Dragons this weekend. I hitched a ride up, along with my bike:

but I rode down. Dad cannot keep up:

Every week you see all of these yummy food pics. Here is a look at who is actually making that food:

Shaved Brussel sprout salad with apples, cranberries, and pecans, along with a loaf of wheat sourdough bread:

Here I am preparing sesame soba noodles with snow peas, radishes, and cilantro:

Shiitake ramen:

The Weaver

I sense trouble with The Force:

Don’t worry, Mom. I have it handled.

One thing I love almost as much as lightsabers…powertools

Weaving a pot holder. Thank you, Nana!

Making an origami dog:

Hadley came over to play. We did what any pair of four-year-olds would do: played engineer teachers:

Followed by a bit of light gardening (mud play):

Scones and smoothies for breakfast:

This is how I feel about scones:

Pesto pizza with fennel and cauliflower:

Stir-Fried tofu shiitakes and green beans:


Pomegranate and mint potato salad:

Coconut black rice bowls with tofu and asparagus:

Day of the Mother 2020

You think you know how to eat a pear? You do not know how to eat a pear.

This is how you eat a pear:

It has been very nice here lately. We spend lots of time in the backyard. Cornhole champion:

Choke cherry in full bloom (smells so good):

Dinner on the deck. Pesto pasta with roasted cherry tomatoes:

The Bigs have been doing a bit of planting. Eighty-two plants and three trees, to be exact. For once, they did some work and I got to take pictures.

Gives me plenty of pots to use for castle construction:

I have been doing some work too. Mulching:

It was over 80 on Saturday. Hadley has a slip and slide and a fun big brother. I am in love.

Today was, of course, the Day of the Mother:

Day of the Mutter feast (as demanded by the mutter):

Wheat sourdough:

Baba Ganoush:

and hummus, with a spicy walnut topping:


I hear diversification is important. I am working on expanding my skill set. This week I took up sewing

and watercolor painting.

Mom had another one of her ‘great’ ideas. Make Mother’s Day cards with celery. I played along.

Dad went wild and crazy this week and made waffles, whipped cream, and strawberries for dessert.

Getting dressed to deal with COVID 19:

The Bigs bought rocks. 1700 pounds of rocks…

and told me to go do some landscaping.

Not too shabby.

Another thing I have been working on. Taking pictures. I took some of my landscaping job. Phlox:

Amazon mist grass:

Creeping phlox:

Autumn joy sedum:

Ice plant:

Moon glow juniper (and a soon-to-be-planted Colorado weeping blue spruce):

I got the hops strung this weekend too.

And I planted eight tomato plants (sun gold cherry tomatoes). Pop tells me if these plants survive, I will have enough tomatoes for a small army. Pop has not seen what I eat on a daily basis lately.

Plant tomatoes? But it’s too soon, you say? Not when you have walls o’ water.

I’m not sure the whole urban farmer thing is going to work out, so I maybe I should continue to add to my skill set. Some chalk art:

We had a yummy new dinner this week. Indian vermicelli with peas and cilantro.