Steens Mountain Camping

We went to Steens Mountain for a few days of hiking and camping. We stayed on the Blitzen River.

We only saw one really large snake on this hike.

I like hiking this year:

The second day, we went for a hike on the Mud Creek Trail:

There was a stream crossing, so I hitched a ride:

I spent most of the hike looking for ‘chocolate’ and putting my footprints in it:

It was hot. Really, really hot:

Roasting marshmallows back at the campsite:

Frenchglen, Oregon. Social distancing since 1872:

On day three, we hiked the Pike Creek Trail. I navigated:

The last night, we camped on the Alvord Playa:

No rules there, so I got to drive:

I think I’ll be a better driver once I can see over the dashboard.

Farmer’s tan or dirt? Maybe a bit of both:

Amazing sunset/lightning storm:

In the morning, I went for a bike ride in the desert:

Dad was running, but he could not keep up. I’m the little speck in the distance:

Finally, heading back to camp:

And, this is what I looked like on the drive home:

I’m working on learning to jump rope.

Strawberries were waiting for us when we got home:

Sweet broccolini with tofu, sesame, and cilantro:

Day of the Father 5

The Bigs went paddle boarding without me on Friday. Not cool.

Maybe it is because I eat all the strawberries from our berry patch before they get any:

Father’s Day breakfast on the porch:

I made Dad a concrete cup and a pine tree coaster:

Mountain biking at Phil’s:

Cleaning my bike:

We tried out some new recipes this weekend. Some were good and some were not so good.

Wheat berries with swiss chard and pomegranate molasses – I took two thank you bites to be polite:

Father’s Day dinner: mushroom risotto. The Bigs say this was good. I don’t do mushrooms.

I did LOVE the cantaloupe, arugula, and pistachio salad though:

Mom and I made oatmeal chocolate chip cookie gelato sandwiches for dessert:

They were delicious.

Holey guacamole, crumpets!

First strawberries of the year:

I am getting pretty good at this catching business:

Wednesday night is picnic night:

Making guacamole to top our burgers:

Making crumpets. Yes, crumpets:

Look closely. I’m actually in this photo. See if you can find me:

You probably cannot see them, but even my sunglasses are camo:

It was Pop’s birthday, so I made him a cake:

We won’t say how old he is, but happy birthday, Pop:

Sunday at the bike park:

Latest addition to the garage, a rack for my ride:

Dillon Falls Hike

Han Solo, frozen in carbonite:

Wednesday night picnic and soccer at the river:

Making a citrus battery to power an alarm clock:

And, a potato battery to light an LED:

Measuring the battery voltage with a multi-meter (it was 2.5 V):

Mountain biking at Phil’s:

First watermelon of the year:

Hiking along the river:

Our destination, Dillon Falls:

After our hike, Meera AND Hadley came over! We made princess crowns:

and danced:

Hyderabadi mixed vegetables and lemon rice with peanuts:

Whipped coffees:

Grating some rutabaga for dinner:

which was sweet and sour celery root and rutabaga salad with capers and dried sour cherries:

and ciabatta:

More shelves for the garage:


I ride to the Flaming Chicken all by myself this year – no towing.

Getting suited up for my trip to the ISS:

On board the Dragon crew capsule:

Watching the real thing with Dad. Liftoff!

Backyard science! The volcano is about to erupt:

A new shelf/shovel rack to organize the garage:

Pumpkin cashew cheesecake. I did NOT like it. This made the Bigs very happy. More for them:

Ridiculously spicy red kidney bean curry:

Charred corn and avocado quinoa salad:

Shrimp and apple salad (sounds weird, but oh so good):

Mushrooms and corn in a spicy (again, Mom? Don’t you learn?) curry: