We went to Steens Mountain for a few days of hiking and camping. We stayed on the Blitzen River.

We only saw one really large snake on this hike.

I like hiking this year:

The second day, we went for a hike on the Mud Creek Trail:

There was a stream crossing, so I hitched a ride:

I spent most of the hike looking for ‘chocolate’ and putting my footprints in it:

It was hot. Really, really hot:

Roasting marshmallows back at the campsite:

Frenchglen, Oregon. Social distancing since 1872:

On day three, we hiked the Pike Creek Trail. I navigated:

The last night, we camped on the Alvord Playa:

No rules there, so I got to drive:

I think I’ll be a better driver once I can see over the dashboard.

Farmer’s tan or dirt? Maybe a bit of both:

Amazing sunset/lightning storm:

In the morning, I went for a bike ride in the desert:

Dad was running, but he could not keep up. I’m the little speck in the distance:

Finally, heading back to camp:

And, this is what I looked like on the drive home:

I’m working on learning to jump rope.

Strawberries were waiting for us when we got home:

Sweet broccolini with tofu, sesame, and cilantro: