
This week we decided to go on an overnight backpacking trip to a lake.

Our route took us on part of the Pacific Crest Trail. I asked if we could take it all the way to Mexico. The Bigs had some lame excuse about only having enough food for two days.

We went to South Matthieu Lake instead. Trail 4062. See:

We saw pollywogs,



and mountains.

3.5 miles carrying some water, swim trunks, and puppy was soooo hard.

No rest for the weary though. The Bigs said our tent is not big enough for the three of us, and there is no way puppy can stay with us too. I built him a shelter. That’s the kind of guy I am.

No, Dad, it goes here.

Puppy somehow made it into the tent – here he is enjoying the view in the morning.

Back home. Time for science. This week: foaming sandcastles.

I also did another big ride and went on another new trail. This week: part of COD.

I went to Hudson’s birthday party as well. There was a water slide,

hot dogs, and Hadley. I was in heaven.


Dad is building me a light saber. It has a way to go. I want it now. Patience you must have my young Padawan.

This week’s science experiment: elephant toothpaste!

Is it going to explode?!

Nah. Pretty cool, though!

Hadley and Hudson came over for dinner.

And Meera came over on the weekend. Two play dates in one week. Mom and Dad will never be the same.

The harvest from our cherry tree was less than impressive.

You thought the landscaping project was done, didn’t you? You must know the Bigs don’t rest…

check our our new hanging plants in the backyard:

and new planters on the front porch.

Best part is: everything is watered automatically!

Dad’s birthday was this week, so we wore funny hats:

And had carrot cake:

My latest construction project. I’m learning to use screws:

Rollin’ with my Gnomies.

I’ve been busy redoing our sprinkler system:

It’s almost complete:

Some pictures of our updated landscaping:

I’ve also been very busy sewing a pillow:

Big week on the bike. I made it to ELV, home of the gnomes:

I’m the one on the right:

Making some brownies:

Mango “chicken” stir fry:

Fourth of July #5

We like privacy. We do not like looking at neighbors’ houses. So for our first project this week, I raised our bamboo privacy wall. I think the neighbors are happy, but the Bigs said they would probably prefer a sound-proof wall. I don’t understand why.

Air traffic control:

Fourth of July preparations:

I even clean up:

The result:

Watermelon salad to go with the cupcakes:

Fourth-of-July paddleboarding:

I took a nap, so I could stay up for the fireworks. They started at 10:00! I did some sparklers while waiting:

While wearing ear protection, of course:

We planted a new tree this week. A Serbian weeping spruce. Here it is in its pot:

And here it is in its new home:

We’re redoing our irrigation system, which means a lot of trenching:

But, more importantly, it means large piles of dirt to play in:

Construction, baking, landscaping. That’s not all. I also do windows:

Oh, and, I almost forgot, I’m also a smokejumper: