Fall is here. Our maple turned this week:

It was my 5th out of 6 mountain bike classes this past Thursday. It was 47 degrees outside. Did that stop me? No way:

I’m not sad about the weather turning. TIME TO SKI. We picked up my skis on Friday. I wore them all weekend:

It was a pretty awesome week for mail. A coffin full of spooky truffles from GA Cheryl (After the incident with the sweets from GUM, I count all my chocolates before going to bed. I’m watching you BIGS):

and Sesame Street socks from Pop:

I continue to keep The Bigs well fed. Here I am making apple cake:

All work and no play makes Emmett a dull boy. Apple binoculars!

Pumpkin carving is complete:

We did a beautiful hike on Tumalo Creek trail Sunday:

I felt compelled to stop and do yoga along the way. Perhaps I was inspired by nature? Tree pose:

Rock pose:

Table pose:

Eagle pose:

Triangle pose:

Lotus pose:

Other food we had this week. Dr. Brad caught a huge tuna and shared. Pan-seared tuna and bok choy:

Lemon brussels sprout pasta: