Yoga Hiker

Fall is here. Our maple turned this week:

It was my 5th out of 6 mountain bike classes this past Thursday. It was 47 degrees outside. Did that stop me? No way:

I’m not sad about the weather turning. TIME TO SKI. We picked up my skis on Friday. I wore them all weekend:

It was a pretty awesome week for mail. A coffin full of spooky truffles from GA Cheryl (After the incident with the sweets from GUM, I count all my chocolates before going to bed. I’m watching you BIGS):

and Sesame Street socks from Pop:

I continue to keep The Bigs well fed. Here I am making apple cake:

All work and no play makes Emmett a dull boy. Apple binoculars!

Pumpkin carving is complete:

We did a beautiful hike on Tumalo Creek trail Sunday:

I felt compelled to stop and do yoga along the way. Perhaps I was inspired by nature? Tree pose:

Rock pose:

Table pose:

Eagle pose:

Triangle pose:

Lotus pose:

Other food we had this week. Dr. Brad caught a huge tuna and shared. Pan-seared tuna and bok choy:

Lemon brussels sprout pasta:

Colorado Man

I made the mistake of telling Mom I had nothing to do one too many times. One of the many tasks she gave me was to grind and make coffee for the Bigs:

I just started building a LEGO Star Wars AT-ST walker. It is going to be a LONG project:

Check out my new hat:

I can wear it with my Colorado T-shirt and be Colorado Man:

All dressed up for Saturday breakfast on the porch:

After breakfast, I threw my tool belt on and hung our ghosts:

I did a lot of cooking this week. One night, I made dinner all by myself. We had Emmett’s Pasta:

It was good (Grandmothers, I know. No hats at the dinner table)!

I also made Halloween (pumpkin) chili for the week:

Something I did not make, butternut squash risotto:

We went to the Metolius Preserve to explore some new trails this weekend. I rode my bike while the Bigs ran:

The larches were turning. It was very pretty:

Chinook salmon swim up this creek each year on their 700-mile-long journey to their nearby spawning grounds:

Pumpkin Head

Do I have the Halloween spirit? Why, yes, I do. I eat dinner with this guy every day:

And, I made some skeletons (held together with address labels):

Working hard to overcome my fear of animals, I landed another cat-sitting gig. Here I am with my buddy, Dazzler:

Next thing you know, I’ll be petting dogs.

Saturday was a bit rainy, so we went to Smith Rock for a hike. Mom let me wear her old GPS watch:

We hiked the Misery Ridge loop. I was a hiking animal.

After our hike, we stopped at a pumpkin patch to pick a few pumpkins:

Working on my balance:

On Sunday, we rode Ticket to Ride:

Mom took a movie of me using some new skills I learned at my mountain bike class. Here is the video:

Speaking of movies, The Bigs borrowed the first season of The Muppet Show from the library. Those crazy muppets crack me up.

Some food from the week. Brazil net and arugula pesto pasta:

Pumpkin dessert bowls:

Butternut squash veggie lasagna:

Baked apples with coconut cream:

Where’s Waldo (Lake)?

Winter is coming, and I will be ready:

Cog Kids, week 2:

We went up on the roof to watch a sunset this week. Our ladder is not quite long enough to make this a safe activity. A definite display of poor parental judgement by the Bigs, but we had fun, and no one got hurt.

I’m really not sure what to say about this, except that I look super cool, and you can see my new slippers:

On Saturday, we went to Waldo Lake. It is ridiculously clear. You can see to depths of 120 feet!

We packed lunch on our paddle boards, and found a sandy beach to stop and eat:

I constructed a road in the sand,

floated logs,

and played in the water. All while wearing my underwear:

Sunday morning started with carving my name in a pumpkin with neighbor Becky.

The pumpkin grew out of her compost. The idea was that it would continue to grow and my name would expand. The deer have been eating her pumpkins, so she decided to pick it and give it to me instead.

Next up was a mountain bike ride. Here I am with Mom at the Chicken, freshly painted for Halloween:

After biking, I decorated a t-shirt with fabric markers. This is a sunset over water:

In the Blossom Room, name tags tell us where to sit for lunch. Now we know where to sit at home, too:

Lo mein: