Dinner Waffles

Presidents’ Day yoga with the Cosmic Kids Yoga. Mountain pose:



I get to choose one dinner each week. This week, it was waffles!

Sunny powder day on Saturday:

Skiing powder in the morning, jumping my bike in the afternoon:

Saturday’s sun was replaced by Sunday’s rime:

But, I got to ski with Riley!

Tico breakfast – gallo pinto and maduros:

Dissection, Gears, Whisks, and Powder

It’s anatomy month in the Blossom Room. We dissected a sheep heart! (Not sure why Aubry is giving me the stink eye.)

In other exciting news, I got a new bike! It has disc brakes, gears, and a shock!

Come on, Dad. Hurry up and get this thing put together. We’re burning daylight here.

No problem. I have a headlamp:

Glad I got a few rides in before the snow came:


I made a very exciting purchase this week: my own set of three whisks! Thank you, Nana. Here I am testing them out, making chili sauce for the bibimbap:

I also used them to make heart-shaped cakes for Valentine’s Day. Thanks, Nan and Pop.

Some other things we ate this week: balsamic, asparagus pasta,

and banana bread with two-ingredient chocolate, banana ice cream:

Celebration Cake

It was a busy week and exciting week.

After some saving and more waiting than is fair to make a five year old do (come on UPS), the remote control car I bought with my own money came. It is AWESOME!

I played with it a lot. I’m getting to be a pretty good driver. I also made some jewelry for mom,

did some serious construction work,

cat sat for Becky,


played dress up with Hadley,

made messes with Hadley,

went skiing…

where I met up with Riley. Over here, Ri!

Latest skiing video:

Phew. I wasn’t too busy to do some work in the kitchen. Now that we have the brownies worked out, Mom and I started work on perfecting a layer cake.

We also made a yummy kale salad with a warm cranberry vinaigrette.

Gummy Frogs

Sweater day:

Exploring the woods at the Nordic center:

I had some candy money burning a hole in my wallet (thanks, Nan), so I hit the Market of Choice bulk section after skiing. So many choices:

I chose gummy worms, Swedish fish, cinnamon gummy bears (too spicy), and gummy frogs:

Counting out my money:

and getting my change:

Baking makes me thirsty. Not to worry, we have plenty of beer:

I saved another bottle for the recipe, cinnamon chocolate-chip beer bread:

After baking bread, I made some chana masala

and sumac pickled onions:

Yes, I have two saucepans going at the same time:

The finished products:

As if that weren’t enough, I also made some Valentine’s Day cookies:

Snowy Sunday: