Can I fly? I have wings.

Looks like that’s a no on the flying.
Maybe I can build a boat. Three corks, a landscaping flag, and a drill. It floats. Nice.

I can wear a costume without trying. Check out this combo. Shorts, long socks, and a donut hole. Doesn’t get better than that. Or does it?

Hmmm. Oh, yes. It does get better and it comes in the form of a pork and beans hat.

It was spring break this past week. I’m not sure what that means besides The Bigs went skiing on a powder day without me. The views were pretty good.

But not as good as the ones that I saw from THE VERY TOP of Mt. Bachelor when I rode Summit Lift this weekend.

It’s like skiing from the top of the world.

Relax, grandmas. It was no problem.

Riley went away for spring break. Guess she missed me…

Food we ate this week.
Spagehtti squash mexicana with tropical avocado salsa,

chocolate-chocolate chip-walnut cookies,

and GG Marie cake. She’s never had it, but we know that Great Grandma Marie would LOVE this coconut-lemon bundt cake.