Earth Day 2021

What am I up to? Making some ‘dirt’ out of old cookies,

and planting some ‘seedlings’

to make Earth Day cupcakes.

Dirt is yummy!

The other day I asked The Bigs to go for a walk after dinner and then I made them run ladders. On Saturday I biked 7 miles while they tried to keep up

and then I practiced swimming.

On Sunday, when The Bigs were supposed to be convalescing after their second vaccine shot, I had Hadley over in the morning and Issac and Lex in the afternoon. I NEVER get tired. The Bigs, they do, and today, they were really tired.

We did eat stuff besides cupcakes. Spinach linguine with basil-cilantro pesto and artichokes:

almond cookies,

tamarind lentils,

spinach linguine with white wine sauce,

and a little creation of mine – toasted bagel with peanut butter and dried apples.

Spring Skiing

Only you can guess what I saved up my allowance for this time.

We didn’t have school on Friday, so we skied in the morning and biked in the afternoon.

A few more double sessions like I did this Friday and Saturday should definitely make my muscles bigger…

so I balance things out with a little yoga. My crow pose is getting good. Mom was not able to capture it in its full glory but it’s Richard Hittleman good.

It was 60 degrees at the mountain. Spring skiing. Doesn’t get much better than this!

What a view. Man, am I one lucky dude to live here.

Um. Someone left plastic eggs on the side of the cross country trails.

It was Mom. She left a trail of snacks. I think she thought it would be fun. I thought it was lame, but I didn’t complain about the jelly beans.

Yes, we eat most of our meals tailgate style.

The gutters aren’t going to clean themselves.

Lazy bigs. The only meal they made worth taking a picture of was of this Tofu Florentine served over diner home fries.

Ramp Riding

When I grow up, I think I’ll be a NASA construction worker.

Stripy pasta:

A little electrical engineering fun (thank you, Papa and Yaya!):

Winter returned to the mountain for a day on Saturday. The cross-country skiing was great.

When we got home, it was warm and sunny enough for some gardening and some ramp riding:

The sun returned to the mountain on Sunday:

Food. Chana masala:

Quinoa salad with black beans and mango:

Samosa stuffed baked potatoes topped with mango chutney and with sautéed spinach and tomatoes on the side:

Easter 2021

This month in the Blossom room, we are learning about buildings. Here is a picture of our house. Check out my cursive and my (misplaced) apostrophe:

I have also been drawing some more notable structures, such as the Taj Mahal:

I did a Taj Mahal drawing for our neighbors Becky and Kirk (Stock, BS and KS). That’s their cat, Dazzler, in the corner:

The world’s tallest building, the Burj Khalifa, in Dubai:

This is an architectural creation of my own:

It’s spring skiing time:

Enough with the pictures already, Mom!

Lunch in the sun after skiing:

The Easter Bunny visited me this weekend:



Some of the eggs had money in them!

After egg hunting, it was time to ski:

Working on my tuck:

Taking a break at the chair:

Skiing did not tire me out, so I went for a bike ride when we got home:

Get a load of this ridiculous get-up:

Some of the food we ate this week. Korean barbecue tempeh wraps and grilled asparagus with mustard caper sauce:

Curried udon noodle stir-fry:

Pumpkin crumb cake with pecan streusel:

Pasta primavera:

Deep chocolate bundt cake: