hi my name is emmett i am writing hippo’s great invention.

i am making the worst wrinkly bagels

this is where i taught mom to jump

i am not having fun on my quarantine

i am not having fun with webbs. Ut oh. Mom’s taking over now. Up until now I was selecting the photos and sounding out the things I wanted to say. She seemed pretty pleased until now. Sheesh. She said something about being too negative.
Other things I did during the time my kindergarten class was in quarantine:
I got to stay up late and look at the Harvest Moon with my new telescope. Thanks, Nana.

I also made lots of sidewalk art…

and watched Bob Ross, then tried to make my own happy trees.

I also made biscotti – it needs to be 12 inches long, so I busted out the tape measure to check.

Can you stop taking my picture?

No, OK.

I also, after many failed attempts, got a sourdough starter going and made some delicious bread.

And learned to tie my shoes.

The Bigs figured we should go backpacking since we were supposed to stay away from people, so we hit the trails.

We stayed near S. Matthieu lake

and had views of North Sister (Faith) Mountain. We tried and tried to get good pictures of her.

Quarantine’s not that bad…