Skate Skier

Self-efficient man gets a snack. M&M’s on the top shelf are no problem.

Mom forgot my nordic boots on Saturday, so The Bigs rented me skate skis! I skied 9.5 miles over 3 hours!

Here is a video of me attacking:

It clouded up on Sunday. Maybe it will finally snow.

Our country this week was Brazil. We had Brazilian fish stew.

I made fancy drinks to accompany the stew.

We also made kalua pork. It was steamed in banana leaves

and served with cabbage and rice.

I just finished the blog

Guest blogger this week. Everything (except for this bit) was written by this guy:

we are just going down olympian it’s one of my favorite trails.

this is my ski class.

this is me and my dad. we are measuring pipes for my fort.

I am building my fort .

this is what it look with no roof.

this is wen the fort was finished .

this is broken top

ski ski as fast as you can you cant catch me i’m the skier man

sunny lunch that was to day .

I drew this guy I call him Evan Callistrictor Jeff Bezos

this is smoke salmon

Ethiopian lentil stew .

mom made lentil m’eat’ balls

roasted portobello mushrooms millet pilaf

One more lift to go!

Some things I have been up to lately.

Cleaning those hard to reach places – only requires a stool on a stool.

Making my own snacks (and the recipes). This one is 1/2 cup dried goldenberries, 1/4 cup dried apples, and 1/2 cup dried figs.

And skiing. I knocked off another lift this weekend. First ride on Outback.

I also put my nordic lessons to work and hit the trails on Sunday.

It was warm enough for a tailgate.

This week The Mother decided if it could not be made in a crockpot, we couldn’t eat it. Lazy, I tell ya!

Our country of the week was Morocco. We enjoyed Moroccan lamb stew.

Tortilla soup.

And creamy cauliflower soup.

Red Chair

We were out of school for a 10 day quarantine, went back for 4 days, then went on the two week Christmas break and then after only being back in school for 6 hours school was closed for snow.

This week’s country was Japan, so we had ramen.

This was a big week as it was my first time on red chair.

After lots of snowy days (Batchelor received 66 inches of snow in the last 7 days), Sunday was a sunny day

check out the trees…

Here I am working on the scratchables Uncle Jim sent. It took lots of quiet concentration. I really enjoyed it, but I think The Bigs enjoyed it even more :).

New Year’s 2022

I tried to keep busy this week. I went ice skating,

built a race car,

learned how to solder,

and used my new skills to build a Christmas tree,

built a few log cabins,

shot all The Bigs’ frozen peas with my new slingshot,

learned how to play mancala, checkers, chess, and Monopoly,

this is what I look like when I take all your money,

helped Mom make dinner (shelling pistachios is boring so I threw on a podcast to listen to),

and skiied.

Uncle Martin sent us fish for Christmas, so this week we had mahi mahi with capers and tomatoes,

salmon with sauteed cabbage and roasted kabocha squash with maple and sage,

and bass with roasted veggies. Yum!

Our country of the week this week was Costa Rica, so we had gallo pinto (beans and rice) with tostones (fried green plaintains).

And for New Year we had roast chicken, roasted red potatoes, and brussel sprout salad.