Spring Break 2022

This week was spring break, and spring has sprung.

As you can imagine, I kept busy. I met Meera for some ice skating.

AND was joined on the ice by none other than the G.U.M. (Great Uncle Martin).

Nana and I have read many books and worked on some crossword puzzles.

We also hit the High Desert Museum. I now have a turkey vulture wingspan.

And we all did some spring skiing and snowshoeing.

Today it was gray and cloudy. The weather is turning and winter is on its way back.

Good thing, because I’ve still got to ski Tumalo.

Pi Day 2022

Monday was Pi day, so we celebrated with chocolate avocado pie:

On Thursday, we were visited by a mischievous leprechaun:

Country of the week: Ireland. Corned beef, potatoes, and sautéed cabbage:

I was a happy little green man:

I sent the bigs on a scavenger hunt for the pot of gold:

Saturday was a snowy day of cross-country skiing. I spent most of the day off-trail in the woods climbing every little hill I could find.

On Sunday, we had a beautiful day of skiing at the mountain.

It was the day of my highly anticipated rematch with Devil’s Backbone. The conditions were much better today.

I showed it who’s boss.

Powder Man

I’ve been reading my way through the bookshelf in the office:

This is a good one. I’m on page 107.

When I’m not busy reading long pictureless books, I’m guiding the Bigs through math lessons:

I have had two loose teeth for several weeks now. These teeth used to be touching each other. Something big must be pushing its way in.

We had a beautiful day of Nordic skiing on Saturday:

Sunday was a powder day! I was Powder Man, skiing black diamonds all day.

Our country of the week was Japan. Yasai-to-tofu-no-misoshiru (hearty miso soup with vegetables and tofu):

and miso yakionigiri (grilled miso rice balls):

Did I like it? No, I did not. It was a bit of a flop. We may need a Japan-night do-over.

Winter happiness salad, on the other hand, was delicious:

What’s the Frequency, Emmett?

My Olympic training continues. This week? Biathlon.

Our country this week was Thailand. We had Pad See Ew:

There were lots of good guesses as to what I was working on last week, but no one got it.

I built a radio.

We had a gorgeous ski day on Sunday. Summit was open. We took our picture at the top like tourists

and enjoyed a picnic in the parking lot.