Now that I have the forward roll mastered, I’ve moved on to backward rolls. These are not coming as easy.

At actual gymnastics class, we moved on to the high bar. The real high bar. It is very high.

Last weekend we went to Portland.

We rode the metro.

Went to the zoo.

Swam in the hotel pool.

Went to see the Oregon Children’s Theater’s production of ‘Last Stop on Market Street’. The Bigs let me pack my own bag. I felt a suit was the appropriate choice for going to the theater. They ignored me when I complained I did not have a nice pair of dress shoes.

After the play we went for dinner at Butterfly Belly Asian Cuisine. It was SO GOOD. Plus it was Uncle Chris’s treat, so it was free! Dad had pho, I had teriyaki,

and Mom had the Ginger Delight.

The next morning, it was back to the pool,

and then on to the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry. They had an exhibit on Leonardo Da Vinci that was amazing – but they would not allow photographs! Here I am using the harmonograph in the physics lab:

This weekend was our last weekend to ski. We had fun day of crust skiing on Saturday. Here I am attacking a hill on the way back to the car.

Afterwards we went to the Midtown Yacht Club. I gave Mom a gift certificate there for Mother’s Day (wink, wink, Pop).

This morning we enjoyed our first porch breakfast of the year.

Then we enjoyed an amazing day of spring skiing.

For our VERY last run of the year, we decided to hike the cone.

I made the mistake of complaining that we always eat the same thing these days. So we had lemon shrimp pasta with fried capers. That wasn’t too bad, but…

the seaweed spaghetti and sesame salad with tahini dressing and thai sticky rice with crispy ginger, chile, and peanuts was NOT my favorite.