Crater Lake 2022

Lots of work this week. First, I had to repair our fence:

I replaced three posts.

Then, I planted a tree, a columnar white pine:

I finally got some time off, and we went to Crater Lake:

We hiked to Watchman Peak:

and then hiked down to Cleetwood cove for a swim (that is Dad, not me, jumping off the cliff):

I constructed an entire Lincoln Log village:

and worked on my bike jumping:

On Sunday, I did a triathlon at the pool. Here I am getting ready for the swim:

Heading out for the bike leg:

and finishing up with the run:

Some food from the week. Cool it Noodle Salad with radishes and peas:

Emerald City Salad with cucumber, avocado, and mint:

East Coast Part II: CT and RI

After the Cape and a short stop at Nan and Pop’s, we headed to Connecticut to visit Papa, Yaya, Coby, and Theo. I did a lot of dog walking, and even picked up poop! We also hit the links for my first round of mini golf:

We took a trip to Yaya’s shop and a walk through Elizabeth Gardens:

Next, it was back to Rhode Island for some time at the beach:

We went paddle boarding on Ninigret Pond

and floated with the outgoing tide:

Unfortunately, I got stung by a clinging jellyfish! (2+ weeks later, and I still have a scab!)

I drove Pop’s tractor:

and took a ride in his race car:

and did a lot of gardening:

I also got to spend a lot of time with my cousins:

On my birthday, we started the day at Allie’s Donuts, where we picked up my cake and had a donut.

Next, we headed to the Yawgoo Valley Water Park for some water sliding:

followed by slip-and-sliding in the backyard:

I had giant maple-frosted donut cake. It was delicious.

Flying out the next day, I was not happy to leave:

East Coast Part I: Cape Cod

Looking down at our beach in Wellfleet.

A trip to Race Point:

A late afternoon swim at Duck Harbor:

A hike and swim at Great Island:

Off for some rafting fun:

Sunrise from the cottage:

The cottages:

The steps (54) to the cottages:

The food we ate. I helped GUM (or as I like to call him, Gummy Bear) make waffles.

The first of many oysters shucked by Dad:

Bluefish, cod, scallops, and Pop’s veggies.

More of Pop’s veggies.

So much fun, I wore myself out.