Nana – Fall 2022

Dad got the computer fixed. Phew. I am sure you were all so sad when there was no blog update last week…

Guess what? Nana came to visit! I didn’t have school, so we had lots of time to play. I created very full itineraries for us.

We made Halloween cookies.

Did some decorating.

And, carved some pumpkins.

We also went on some nature walks.

And, of course, went to the Yacht Club.

I threw Nana a going away party, complete with an open bar. The menu included apple cider (hot or cold), hard cider, or wine.

The fun is over and school is back in session, but the weather has been gorgeous and we got out for a bike ride this weekend. After my latest biking class, I am ROCK man.

Up next, Halloween! The Bigs finally finished my costume. Cut it close this year. For those who don’t know what I am going to be…If I only had a brain, I would tell you!


I am feeling better. Not 100% but improved. We went for a hike this weekend near Tumalo Creek.

I tend to go off trail, climbing every good rock I see.

We also went mountain biking. We told Mom we would meet her. She got to our meeting spot and got all set up to take a picture of me riding through the rock garden. BUT Dad and I did not meet her. So she took this guy’s picture instead.

I also spent some time in the kitchen. I made chocolate mint cookies (they had an Andes candy in the center).

I also made Hachimitsudaikon. It’s a tea with daikon radish, honey, and ginger.

We also had asian lettuce wraps this week. Yum.

Picture Day

I’m sick again/still. So sick that I did not want to do anything this weekend. That’s sick. So, this will be a short blog – with not too many pictures.

Friday was picture day. I take these things very seriously. I was the only sport coat seen in the DSM parking lot Friday morning. And when The Bigs picked me up that evening, I was still rocking the tie.

Mom thinks she probably got a better picture than the actual photographer and The Bigs could have saved their $25.

Mom and I planted sweet potatoes and yellow peppers in May. One. ONE of our peppers finally turned yellow. I won’t even tell you about the sweet potatoes…

We are behind on all things Halloween. My costume, for example. The Bigs really need to kick it up a notch. We also haven’t decorated yet. We swung buy a nursery to get some weird pumpkins on our way home one day, but we still need lots more.

Cottonwood Creek Falls Backpacking

This week I was back in the kitchen. I even followed a recipe! I made pan fried salmon with pine nut salsa.

I also invented a recipe. I food processed dried apricots and figs and added cocoa powder. It made a delicious paste I used to top apples. I then added a little chocolate ice cream to really make it come together.

We went backpacking this weekend. The hike started out in a burn.

But, it quickly became treed and had beautiful views of Mt. Theilsen.

I hiked all eight miles like it was a walk in the park.

Even making a steep climb without a trail over a ridge.

By the end, my feet were sore, but…

when I saw the waterfall that was our destination, I knew it was worth it.

Look, I found a heart stone Nan! I didn’t have room in my backpack to bring it home, but don’t worry, I made Mom carry it.

One of our reasons for going camping this weekend was so I could try out my new ‘man’ sleeping bag. My old bag was 3 lbs 3 oz. My new bag is 1 lb 15 oz. Dad, who has to carry it, was even happier with it than I was.

The hike out was steep.

A little bear crawling and a little grabbing tree branches to keep from slipping and we made it.

We saw lots of mushrooms on our way down.