Christmas 2022

Merry Christmas!

Now that I can read, the world is my oyster (cookie). For example, I can read recipes.

I made these double chocolate mint cookies from start to finish by myself.

On Wednesday, ski camp was cancelled due to high winds, so I got to ski with The Bigs. It was a bit frosty. Look at old Bill Healy.

On Thursday we started the long drive to Silverstar Ski Resort in British Columbia. It looks like a well-timed trip. Back home it is raining, even at the mountain, but here it’s just snowing.

The village and all the lodging is mid-mountain. You can ski to everything.

They converted the original lodge into guest rooms and suites. That is where we are staying.

I had my first ever t-bar ride at the end of our first day of skiing.

On Christmas Eve, I threw a party. We had dried apricots, dried figs, Christmas cookies, and hot bouillon to drink.

Santa was still able to find me despite the change in location.

My stocking had an awful lot of writing utensils in it. Mom said Santa wanted to make sure I was well-equipped to write thank you notes for all my Christmas gifts.

I made The Bigs a Christmas diorama.

Here I am headed out for a Christmas morning ski.

We started with a run on Christmas Bowl, of course.

Frozen Snickers. The perfect snack.

There are nordic trails right out our door too. Here, Mom and I are making the last climb of the day back up to our place.

See you in the new year!

Christmas Concert 2022

This week, I went to my first concert.

We saw Patrick Lamb’s Charlie Brown Christmas.

Unlike many of the other attendees, we dressed appropriately for a show. (Do I need to tell how much Dad and I enjoy having our picture taken?)

Hadley came over one day and we did some construction.

After all my skiing and play, I told Mom I needed an Epsom salt bath. 7 going on 70.

Soba noodle salad. Not a new meal, but it looked so good in our cool new dish, (thank you, Yaya) it deserved a pic!

And a new meal, japchae ( a Korean dish with sweet potato starch noodles stir-fried with vegetables).

Christmas Tie 2022





On Saturday, I skied with MBSEF

while The Bigs enjoyed lots of fresh powder and Mom tried out her new bindings and boots.

After skiing I met Saxon and did some ice skating.

On Sunday we woke up to even more snow.

I did some nordic skiing in my fancy new coat.

Nutcracker 2022

I had my first day of skiing with the MBSEF team this weekend. The mountain just opened this week, so it was to be my first day on skis for the year. I was so ridiculously stressed about it all week that the Bigs pulled me out of school early on Thursday and took me skiing to calm me down. It worked. I had a good time on Saturday. Plus, everybody got a Thursday afternoon of skiing.

Saturday was also the Birthday of the Mother. I got to take a few runs with her to celebrate.

I also made her a seasonal birthday arrangement using various twigs from the forest.

Birthday dinner was poke bowls at Poke Row. Dad had the Tyler Bowl: spicy tuna, salmon, tuna, cucumber, edamame, carrot, mango, sweet onion, sesame soy, spicy mayo, seaweed salad, tobiko, ginger, furikake, fried onion, and avocado.

Mom had the NWX Bowl: tuna, shrimp, salmon, mango, sesame soy, spicy yuzu, green onion, sesame seed, crispy noodle, toasted seaweed, and avocado.

I, of course, created my own bowl: shrimp, mango, edamame, pickled ginger, and crispy noodles. So good. Want to try?

After dinner we went to the Nutcracker.

We got Mom a mini cheesecake to enjoy after the show. It was not good.

Sunday I went Nordic skiing with the Bigs. Here I am on my brand new classic skis:

I have been studying ancient Greek mythology lately. A few of my drawings: