From the Top

Hey. Like my ‘stache? Freddie Mercury?

Someone put a sticker on the lift that said ‘le tits now’. Get it? Mother Nature did, because she ‘let it snow’. We got 35 inches of snow in the last 72 hours. It was awesome.

On Sunday, I had MBSEF spring camp and then I made Dad climb to the top of the mountain and ski the bowl and the backside. Skiing from the very top of the mountain was on my list of goals for the year.

And, here I am writing this blog with POP.

First Soccer Game

This week:

I knit a hat. It was small, Cordy size.

The Bigs forgot it was St Patrick’s Day and tried to pretend they didn’t by making me green oats. Lame, Bigs, lame.

I started soccer. It was warm and sunny for practice during the week.

But it was cold (44 F) and rainy for our game.

It was the last week of MBSEF. We took a team picture.

I skied a kombi race.

Then I hit the slopes with The Bigs.

After skiing I had a hanker for savory muffins. I found a recipe online from cheesy savory muffins and made it.

On Sunday, we had spring camp for cross country skiing. We had quite an obstacle course we had to ski around!

After skiing I snacked on my savory muffins. They turned out really well, so I think it is A-OK that I made a bigger mess than the Swedish Chef making them.

Biathlon – 2023

After a hard swim lesson, I like to hit the hot tub.

This week we had a DSM skate night. My friends were there. They wanted to skate with me, but I made Dad skate instead.

Mt Bachelor received 30 inches of snow in the past 72 hours. I had GS training on Saturday, and The Bigs had powder run after powder run. I think I heard them say ‘in some spots the snow was too deep’. Silly Bigs, there is no such thing.

Mom’s legs must have been tired. I can tell by all the nature pictures. She pretends she’s trying to document the beauty, but I know she’s taking a break.

Sunday was the day I’ve been waiting for! BIATHLON! From Wikipedia: The biathlon is a winter sport that combines cross-country skiing and rifle shooting. First round:

Second round, a little more comfortable:

Third round, preparing for the 2034 Olympics…

Filthy Dirtbag

Last Sunday, I concocted a biscuit recipe and also made some creme patissiere. I combined the two into what I referred to as a ‘cream puff’.

I ate a few bites and then decided that, like whipped cream, I also don’t like creme patissiere.

The Bigs have decided that something I do like to eat, based on my face when I get home from school, is dirt.

A crew of DSM students have been building tunnels during recess and aftercare. Tunneling out? On this particular day, I brought most of our excavation home in my boots – see the huge pile of dirt next to my boot?

I am also big into the Greek Gods right now. Here I am creating a poster that describes Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades.

It has been snowing a lot and conditions are great.

This week was the Mini World Cup slalom race.

Here I am ripping it up.


Afterwards The Bigs and I did a few runs.

It was sunny.

Until it wasn’t.