Scientist of the Week

I was the Scientist-of-the-Week at school last week. I built an electromagnet and demonstrated it for the class.

On Saturday, we went for a mountain bike ride, then went to school for the annual Rock, Paper, Scissors Tournament. I went out in the first round.

But I did get to enjoy a Kona Shave Ice:

We had our last ski day of the season this weekend. We skinned up Mt. Bachelor, past Pine Martin Lodge and part way up to the summit. It was sunny and warm below the lodge:

But we skied into some clouds up higher:

The Day of the Mother – 2023

This week I took over another of The Bigs’ jobs.

While it is still not easy for me, I’ve come a long way.

This weekend was the Pole Pedal Paddle (downhill ski, nordic ski, bike, run, paddle, and run). Dad did it while I went to my soccer game.

He won his age group and therefore received a much coveted PPP mug.

I also hit Big Skis perogies.

And made Mom breakfast on Mother’s Day.

In fact, I spoiled her rotten with many gifts, including some cosmos.

I had a soccer game today and then both Mom and I headed out on rides.

I hit the pump track and the skills park while she did a road ride.

After our bike rides, we did some horseback riding!

On May 14, 2017, so exactly six years ago, I, with Dad as my assistant, planted a plum and cherry tree.

They looked like sticks.

Now look at them!

Happy Mother’s Day!

Hops No More

The Bigs decided the hops had to go. They attract aphids. Aphids ruin both the hops and the plum tree, so we pulled them out this weekend.

Check out these roots.

Everyone knows The Bigs would not rip out their privacy wall without a plan. The plan is silver lace vine and it has already been planted.

Besides gardening, I played some soccer. I had two games this weekend.

I also got some new sneakers. The sneakers that I have on in this picture, which make me very happy, are not the sneakers The Bigs planned on buying me. They felt they were outside a reasonable price range for a child’s sneaker. We struck a deal. If I paid the difference between what they thought was a reasonable price and the price of the sneakers I wanted, I could have them. I got them.

How could I not get speed laces

and trail running soles?!

I also did a little baking – making some ‘muffins’ for mom,

harvested all the lettuce I grew this month so The Bigs could have huge salads for lunch,


For dinner we made Food Court Singapore Noodles.

Cascade Crest 2023

This weekend I did another nordic race. This one was 5k. There were 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 year olds competing. Here we are at the start.

Here I am about half way through. Still looking strong.

Here I am with Dad, who also did a race. His was a bit longer.

I beat all the 7, 8, 9, and 10 year old boys, but some of the big kids beat me. I’ll get them next time.

The next day, after my soccer game, we all went backcountry skiing. We skinned up ‘The Cone’.

Dad found these nifty attachments for my downhill skis that allow me to skin up the mountain.

It was a gorgeous day, and we had a lot of fun.

This week we ate:

Steel cut oats with spicy black beans and tofu scramble,

Sichuan eggplant,

and Vietnamese coconut pancakes (which were a total fail, but we tried!).