Plums 2023

It’s starting to cool off in Bend as you can see from Dad’s and my attire while watching Star Wars (Episode IV).

Our plums are ready to harvest, so The Mother and I got to it on Saturday.

We packed about 10 bags this size (10 to 15 pounds). We gave them to the neighbors, we gave them to the guy delivering us a package, we just kept giving them away, but we still have about half a tree to go.

After the plum harvest I headed to soccer.

Then on Sunday we went on a rainy hike.

With a hot spring destination!

I also did a lot of cooking. The Bigs are delighted that instead of making gourmet dishes every morning for lunch, I sometimes will take a PB&J.

I made 4 ingredient Nutella brownies to bring to Dr. Chris’s 50th birthday. Dr. Chris loves his sweets.

I also made sheet pan saffron chicken and plums. It was a little more gourmet than PB&J. I had to do some spice grinding, lemon zesting, and lots of chopping.

Hot pan!

The Bigs liked it. I did not.

On occasion The Bigs still cook. This week they made sweet potato, chard, and coconut curry.

And beefsteak tomato carpaccio with green onion and ginger salsa (with garden-fresh tomatoes from our neighbor).

Bigs Anniversary #16

This week we went out to celebrate The Bigs 16th wedding anniversary. We went to the Southeast Asia (S.E.A.) Crabhouse.

We had, my favorite, fried calamari to start.

Then The Bigs got a boil, which required cool plastic bibs.

It had shrimp, crawfish, mussels, clams, corn, and potatoes all in a cajun sauce.

I got a shrimp and fries basket.

Everyone had a delicious meal and we have Uncle Chris to thank for it!

When we got home after dinner, I disappeared into the office for a while and came out with the following card:

How did I know it was their 16th anniversary? Their wedding photo on the wall is stamped with 2007, so I just did the math.

On Saturday Hunter came over. We climbed trees.

And built things.

It was super fun and then it was time to go to my first soccer game of the fall. We are the Ants. We had to play the Whales. Although the team names would imply otherwise, we won.

Despite complaining daily how tired I am, I went for a long mountain bike on Sunday morning and then while The Bigs did yard work in the afternoon I rode laps around the neighborhood and then my ramp repeatedly – trying to learn how to jump.

The Mother decided our bamboo walls need a facelift. Check out the difference between the refinished bamboo and the old stuff.

Ah, so much better. Only three more to go Mom!

This week we made red Thai curry.

And I made chicken thighs and broccoli for my weekly dinner.

Back to school – 2023

I started school on Wednesday. No more following The Bigs around the house asking ‘what are we doing today?’

Except on the weekends, that is. Dad didn’t even give me a chance to ask this weekend. He planned another bikepacking trip. We did a route called ‘Catch and Release’.

There were some cool rocks near our campsite.

Here is a close up. They almost look like manmade columns.

There was also a very nice creek.

I think we broke The Mother. We found her laying down a lot.

On the second day, we had to cross the creek.

I was really cruising on my new bike.

Sometimes I would drop The Mother. Where is she now, laying down again?

Oh, there she is.

There were some gorgeous views of the mountains on our way in and out from camp – but they were a little hard to capture while riding!

After a vacation-imposed hiatus on my weekly dinner, I’m back with hoirino me mapa (pork and cabbage stew) from a cookbook I picked up at the library called ‘The Glorious Foods of Greece’. I have a great solution for avoiding tears when chopping onions – swim goggles!

Another tasty meal!


It was smoky in Bend again, so we packed up the car and headed to Lassen Volcanic National Park.

We arrived in the early evening and stopped by the visitor center to pick up bear cans and took a walk around Manzanita Lake.

Our first full day in the park we did ‘touristy’ things. We hiked to Cold Boiling Lake. Why is it called Cold Boiling Lake?

Well, it is a lake and it is cold, but if you look closely you can see bubbles rising up to the lake surface, like it is boiling. Gases from a hydrothermal area below the lake are being released and make it look like boiling water.

We hiked up from the lake

and headed to Bumpass Hell. Why is it called that? Well, a guy named Bumpass was giving a tour of this hydrothermal area and at some point stepped somewhere he shouldn’t have and fell through the crust and burned his leg severely. Hopefully you can see the steam from the fumaroles and mudpots.

After checking out the sights we headed back

stopping at Crumbaugh Lake for lunch.

After that we drove to the Sulfur Works.

It was stinky.

We capped off the day with a swim in Helen Lake.

The following day we headed out for a three-night backpacking trip. The Dixie Fire in 2021 burned 70% of the park, so a lot of the trees looked like this:

We passed a lot of lakes on our trip. This one was especially green:

We stopped for lunch and a swim at Silver Lake.

We camped at Rainbow Lake on our first night.

This little guy was wandering around above our campsite, but he left us alone.

Day 2, we headed to the Cinder Cone.

A view of the Painted Dunes, the Fantastic Lava Beds, and Butte Lake from the Cinder Cone:

We were able to hike down into the crater at the center of the Cinder Cone.

Painted Dunes with Lassen Peak in the background:

We camped at Butte Lake on our second night:

On Day 3, we stopped at Snag Lake for lunch and a swim.

Heading back to camp at Rainbow Lake again:

Heading out on Day 4, we stopped for a swim at Echo Lake:

Whittling a marshmallow roasting stick with my new jackknife:

On our last day in the park, we hiked up Lassen Peak, 10,457′.

I practically ran to the top, passing countless adults along the way. There was still snow near the summit.

Mt. Shasta from the summit:

On the way home from Lassen, we stopped at Mt. Shasta to spend a day exploring the area. Castle Lake:

It was a bit smokey in the morning.

Next, we went for a short hike to see Lower,


and Upper McCloud falls.

After some coaxing, I jumped into the icy cold water and went for a swim at Middle Falls.

A couple of times.

We went for Thai food in Mt. Shasta. Spring rolls:

Stuffed chicken wings:

Eggplant stir fry:

And pad se ew:

The excitement did not stop after returning home. A new, larger bike with 24″ wheels was waiting for me! I am now 20% faster than I was before.

And, as if that weren’t enough, I got a back-to-school haircut.