Archery camp

This week I thought maybe I’d sleep under the stars. I set up and did a little before bedtime reading, but decided to go inside after a bug or two scurried over my sleeping bag. I’m still planning on sleeping outside by myself, but I’m thinking I’ll do it in a tent.

On Friday I went to archery and projectiles camp. I am a fan. On Sunday I made everyone come with me to practice shooting.

I made everyone come with me to practice.

We also went for a walk along Mirror Pond.

I had some energy to burn off.

Do you see the face in the underside of this bridge?

We also carved pumpkins.

And I threw one of my famous parties. This time to celebrate Nana’s birthday. I set up a bar and made chicken marbella.

The Bigs made watercress, jicama, and avocado salad and

strawberry shortcake!

I’m not a fan of whipped cream, but I choked some down.

Fall River

The week started out slow. I did some weaving.

Played some soccer.

But then, Nana arrived! Today we went for a walk along the Fall River.

I made sure we were on track, frequently checking our direction on my compass.

From the Forest Service website: Fall River is a beautiful spring-fed stream flowing through rolling pine forest.  Clear and cold, it springs full-blown from the ground.  This is where the river originates.

After Fall River, we had lunch at Devil’s Lake.

This week, The Bigs bought Lion’s Mane mushrooms and served them with lamb chops and beans. I’m not sure what the big deal was about. A mushroom is a mushroom and they are all gross – in my opinion. I know GG Marie will back me up on that!

Ring of Fire

Last weekend Dad wanted to ride the Crater Rim Trail, but I wussed out. So he rode it by himself. Looks like it was beautiful.

Instead, I went on a ride with The Mother and we stopped at Boyd Cave.

It was picture day at school this week. While I didn’t go full tie and sport coat like last year, I still spiffed up a bit.

Our final plums are now prunes.

This weekend we watched the eclipse.

Here’s the sun almost covered by the moon.

After the eclipse, because I had the weekend off from soccer, we headed to the Oregon Outback for a bike packing trip.

The first six miles were on Highway 31.

Then we turned off on to a gravel road.

A little ways in, we stopped for a lunch of tortillas and nut butter.

Then we started the climb up to Avery Pass.

We set up camp near the top of the pass. It was chilly.

The next morning we climbed a bit more…

until we reached the Oregon Timber Trail. We only rode a little bit of it, but we could have ridden a lot more because Oregon Timber Trail connects 670 miles of trails from California to the Columbia River Gorge.

It was a very fun downhill…

with a fair share of down trees.

The ride finished up on a paved road that followed the Chewaucan River. It was a really pretty, fun ride.

Afterwards, we stopped at the Pioneer Saloon for lunch.

Unlike Alma’s Only Bar, which is Colorado’s highest bar, the Pioneer is Oregon’s oldest bar.

And the burgers were good.

The Bigs are Back to School

The Bigs are back to school, so it was a less than exciting week. I’m pretty much doing everything now. Even the grocery shopping. Sigh.

My domestic prowess is not limited to the kitchen. This week I made this pillow during aftercare.

The highlight of the week was a trip to Playful Paws Cat Cafe with my favorite neighbor, Becky. There were 10 cats to play with and pet (and adopt – but The Bigs are lame and we still do not have a cat).

This week The Bigs made plum chutney – which was delicious but not photogenic and roasted butternut squash with apple.