Week 9

Well, this is it. The last week until I am back to normal. Someone should tell my PT I’m not there yet. She had me dragging a box loaded with weights across the room last week.

It was a pretty quiet week. The one highlight was the annual Pole Pedal Paddle (alpine ski run, cross country ski, 22 mile bike, 5.2 mile run, river paddle (most people use a kayak, Dad insists on increasing the challenge by using a paddleboard), and a short sprint. Here we are at the start.

I’ve been part of the support team since 2016.

This year, I took pictures. Next year, I think we will do it as a team.

Here is Dad cruising to his first place (age group) finish.

Dad and I went on an 11 mile (tame, don’t worry grandmothers :)) mountain bike while The Mother went for a massage (she really treats herself well, doesn’t she?).

Spring is here. Things are starting to look nice.

The Mother got a new cookbook from the library. She has made us eat beet smoothies, cooked thai quinoa bowls with crispy tempeh for lunches,

and made chocolate date energy bars, all this Sunday! Might be a rough week :).

Week 8

I made some bread this week.

I also went on a mountain bike ride.

There was a variety of terrain and views.

And the ride passed by the lava lands too.

After our bike ride, The Mother went to a floral arrangement class and made Dad and me go grocery shopping. Lame.

Lame, until…I found $100 in the Whole Foods parking lot!

On the Day of the Mother, Dad made her the beet latkes she demanded.

Then The Mother went skiing while Dad and I enjoyed the 80 degree day on the river.

For dinner I took The Mother to the Midtown Yacht Club (wink, wink Pop). I had the Oaxacan burger,

Dad had the wet burrito,

and Mom had the Cuban.

Because it is the Day of the Mother, she made me pose for many pictures.

Other things we ate this week. My charcuterie lunch.

Chickpea cakes with zucchini ribbon salad and tahini yogurt mint sauce.

Week 7

Look at this femur. Almost as good as new!

After a minor set back last week – I was ok’d to get off my crutches but my heel, which had not been used in 6 weeks, rebelled and hurt every time I took a step, so I had to keep stay on the crutches all week – I’m feeling good! So good, that I went rock climbing…

And mountain biking…ok, not ‘mountain’ biking, more like riding around the neighborhood, but biking nonetheless.

When I am not out testing my newly returned mobility, I am listening to podcasts, reading ‘The Wind in the Willows’, or building crazy marble runs.