As a rule, I love the library. But this week, I LOVE the library.

Why? Because train man was there!

The Bigs are not super smart. Start a weekend off with Train Man and it is quite possible that everything else that follows is a disappointment. Good thing for them there was plenty of skiing and Christmas activities to do.
I can totally ride the lift, but it is pretty cool to go through a tunnel to get to the slopes.

I thought Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer was a song. This movie is AWESOME.

Race ya, Dad.

What do you mean I’m supposed to let him win, Mom?

Construction and cookies? Win win.

No kit. No problem.

Dad was taking too long making a wreath from an old bike wheel…

so, I made my own.

I guess Dad’s turned out OK too.

Great pictures. Loved the wreaths. Very innovative. That tunnel is much better than a lift. The ginger bread house was pretty awesome from no kit. Good weekend and Rudolph was a hit!!