Spring Skiing

Only you can guess what I saved up my allowance for this time.

We didn’t have school on Friday, so we skied in the morning and biked in the afternoon.

A few more double sessions like I did this Friday and Saturday should definitely make my muscles bigger…

so I balance things out with a little yoga. My crow pose is getting good. Mom was not able to capture it in its full glory but it’s Richard Hittleman good.

It was 60 degrees at the mountain. Spring skiing. Doesn’t get much better than this!

What a view. Man, am I one lucky dude to live here.

Um. Someone left plastic eggs on the side of the cross country trails.

It was Mom. She left a trail of snacks. I think she thought it would be fun. I thought it was lame, but I didn’t complain about the jelly beans.

Yes, we eat most of our meals tailgate style.

The gutters aren’t going to clean themselves.

Lazy bigs. The only meal they made worth taking a picture of was of this Tofu Florentine served over diner home fries.

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3 years ago

A Smokey the Bear shirt? Don’t let your mom talk you into skiing under the red line. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

3 years ago

Wonderful weather for skiing. Did you buy Gummies or gelato?My gutters are full of stuff. When can you get here?

3 years ago

Or Pop talk you into going under the redline. Yeah I guess it would be a lot for the Easter bunny to place plastic Easter eggs along a ski trail, so it looks like he had to enlist Mom to do the job. Good job Mom!

3 years ago

What a lovely top of the world view! You sure are lucky! And, by the way, that trail ahead of you looks pretty steep… but I have a feeling you handled it quite well!