Great Wall

Mom did not take many pictures this week. I mean, we went skiing, and she didn’t take a SINGLE picture on a beautiful 60 degree day of spring skiing. At some point she felt guilty and took a photo of us eating lunch, but come on. Maybe she’s sick or lazy, but be warned, this week’s post is going to be lame.

I had my second day of mountain bike class. I’m learning some cool stuff.

I did some extra swim work with Dad on Friday morning to make sure I was not slowing down the other kids in my swim lesson.

I also rode ELV with Issac.

And prepared to fight aliens on Mars.

The more observant of you will notice the neighbors’ house behind me in the stick fighting pic. Now look.

Dad built a decorative screen to give us a little privacy.

We only made one new recipe this week. Cold udon bibimbap

See, I told you. Lame.

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3 years ago

It wasn’t lame. It had a bit of everything and that was nice. The wall came out great. I think the neighbors will get the hint. Spring skiing?? Does it ever end?

3 years ago

Landscaping looks very nice. Good job.

3 years ago

I thought that wall was for fortification against aliens. It looks strong and sturdy but also very nice looking. Are you standing on your head Emmett?

James Cullion
James Cullion
3 years ago

Seeing the world upside down allows you see things differently. It may inspire new thoughts, see something you never saw before, or give you new ways to look at things … OR … it could just give you a headache and make you feel dizzy.

3 years ago

The wall does it for sure. Are your neighbors as happy with it as you?