Tooth Fairy

Sometimes you have a week where the good things just don’t stop. First, I got a tennis racket from Pop. Awesome!

Then, I got some super fast new sneakers and they were free, thanks to a gift certificate from Nan! Hmmm…I think I can beat Dad now.

Next it was nice enough for a picnic, so I treated The Bigs to takeout from my favorite restaurant, Monkless. They mumbled something about if I was taking Mom out for our belated Mother’s Day dinner she should get to choose the restaurant. Silly Bigs, how would I get poutine then?

Then I lost my tooth!

And then Papa came!

I showed him some of my new mountain biking skills. I am getting much braver and I make Mom ride the stuff with me, so she is too.

Vegetable lo mein:

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3 years ago

Very nice racket and sneakers. You are looking good still even missing a tooth. What a great weekend having Papa to visit. I’m sure it was a good time for all and I’m glad you finally did a meal from a food truck but next time it’s where Mom likes!!

3 years ago

You look like a little like a kid from Southie in the one picture.

3 years ago

Dick looks younger every time I see him. Keep up the good work.

3 years ago

You’ll beating Pop at tennis in no time. Maybe not Uncle Chris

3 years ago

Looking very handsome, even with that tooth being out! Great job keeping your eye on the tennis ball… you’ll be great! I wish I could get out on the tennis court and play with you…..
The veggie lo mein looks terrific!! Did you make it for the Bigs?