Lucky Lake

Dad’s birthday was last week, but we weren’t home, so Mom made him a cake this week. It was carrot cake, and it was delicious!

When I’m not tracking wild animals,

I can often be found practicing my ukulele:

I’m also in the middle of my Journey 3 swim lessons, and I’m getting very good.

Friday was paddle board picnic day:

On Sunday, we hiked up to Lucky Lake with Isaac and his family. Collecting bark on the way to the lake, so we could build a canoe:

The only thing we made this week worth taking a picture of was grilled grapes with burrata:

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3 years ago

Emmett, were you able to play Happy Birthday to your dad on the Ukulele? Maybe to
o complicated at this early stage in your music career. Perhaps next year. Happy Birthday Kyle, I hope it was a great day!

3 years ago

Paddle board picnic looked great. I have to say I’m glad I left bend before the ukulele arrived. Did you go down that slide at the pool yet? It looks like fun. That piece of bark looked pretty heavy but I know you have big muscles from all your activities. Moms cake looked absolutely delicious!!

3 years ago

Another great week. Carrot cake is the best.

James Cullion
James Cullion
3 years ago

Grilled and grapes with burrata cheese! Count me in. xoxo

3 years ago

That cake looks fantastic. Glad to hear you are progressing so well with your swimming.