
This week I went to my first ever soccer practice. We did some dribbling.

I also worked on my basketball dribbling. I find wearing rainboots improves my technique.

There is still plenty of skiing to be had…

and I decided it was time for another challenge. The park…

What? It’s not like I was going to knock out my front tooth. It fell out already!

This week we had spaghetti squash with sauteed chard and toasted walnuts.

Every week, we have Ethiopian stew. It calls for berbere spice. Mom mixed up a new batch. It calls for 12 different spices.

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2 years ago

Green grass and white snow, the best of both worlds. Glad you are having such a good time. I hope the tooth fairy paid a visit.

2 years ago

Soccer and basketball and skiing. You are just a multi talented kid and I know you will be good at all of them. Did the tooth fairy come?? I hope so. Pretty soon the Easter bunny will come and better then Easter eggs he will bring Papa!!! Fun!!
Start thinking of things to do to keep him be busy. Can’t have him napping with such a busy guy like you.

2 years ago

Papa’s excited. Soccer and basketball along with some swimming, rock climbing, hiking, tennis and naps, naps,naps.

2 years ago

Ah spring a time for new beginnings. Looks like you have the mountain to yourself.

2 years ago

What a wonderful time I had with you all last week! Working in the gardens and yard one day, skiing another day… best of two worlds! And of course I can’t forget a raptor’s toes combing through my hair at the High Desert Museum! You’re so lucky to still have all that snow at the mountain.
The spaghetti squash with chard looks yummy!! Must try that soon.

James Cullion
James Cullion
2 years ago

What more could I guy ask for. Life in Bend is good! Love, Uncle Jim