
Do I look different?

See anything missing?

That’s right. Another tooth gone.

I did a watercolor this week. Rainbow lion.

I also did some skiing.

Including skiing the Cirque BOWL.

It was hard (it was a double black diamond – Mt Bachelor double black – so take that with a grain of salt) but fun.

I also practiced some lacrosse…with a butterfly net and hacky sack. Why not?

The Bigs normally do something special for Earth Day. This year nothing. I don’t know what their problem is lately, but I don’t have the time or the patience for their issues, especially on such an important day, so I took over. I made a special dessert. I melted chocolate chips, topped it with peanut butter, chopped apples, and cinnamon.


I also organized an Earth Day activity. We made a planter man.

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2 years ago

Looks like one of those front teeth is poking threw so you should have them for Christmas 😂. Besides Nordic and Black Diamond skiing you did some very artistic things desert Earth Day and my favorite your water painting. You need to sign it.

2 years ago

There is a song that says all you want for Christmas are your two front teeth. I sure hope it doesn’t take that long for the new ones to come in!! Pops right. I do see the start of one new one.
That’s a pretty fancy looking lion and I like the earth day planter man. Good thinking.
Looks like it was nice spring skiing. You are a daredevil.
Your dessert looked yummy. Don’t make too many good ones or the bigs will make you take over in the kitchen.

2 years ago

My goodness you are keeping that tooth fairy busy. I bet she needed to borrow money from the bank to keep up with you. Good job on the lion water color, very colorful. And I am glad you took the initiative to celebrate Earth Day, it’s an important holiday for those of us who love the outdoors and nature!

James Cullion
James Cullion
2 years ago

Grrrreat Rainbow Lion! Love the colors and the smile.❤️

2 years ago

Quite the gap!! Rainbow Lion is wonderful, as was your celebration of Earth Day!
Awesome skiing in the Cirque Bowl…. you’ve got that whole mountain conquered!