Cottonwood Creek Falls Backpacking

This week I was back in the kitchen. I even followed a recipe! I made pan fried salmon with pine nut salsa.

I also invented a recipe. I food processed dried apricots and figs and added cocoa powder. It made a delicious paste I used to top apples. I then added a little chocolate ice cream to really make it come together.

We went backpacking this weekend. The hike started out in a burn.

But, it quickly became treed and had beautiful views of Mt. Theilsen.

I hiked all eight miles like it was a walk in the park.

Even making a steep climb without a trail over a ridge.

By the end, my feet were sore, but…

when I saw the waterfall that was our destination, I knew it was worth it.

Look, I found a heart stone Nan! I didn’t have room in my backpack to bring it home, but don’t worry, I made Mom carry it.

One of our reasons for going camping this weekend was so I could try out my new ‘man’ sleeping bag. My old bag was 3 lbs 3 oz. My new bag is 1 lb 15 oz. Dad, who has to carry it, was even happier with it than I was.

The hike out was steep.

A little bear crawling and a little grabbing tree branches to keep from slipping and we made it.

We saw lots of mushrooms on our way down.

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1 year ago

Some awesome climbing and inclined hiking!! Yikes! I’m hoping you didn’t pick those mushrooms for any planned recipe adventures! A couple of them looked quite pretty, though.
Em, your sleeping bag looks so comfy!
You three certainly have some adventurous weekends– what fun!

1 year ago

That was a real expedition into the wilderness. Backpacking and camping out. I hope that new sleeping bag was warm. Oh if you find a gold heart safe that for me.

1 year ago

More practice for South Sister? Great pictures on a challenging hike. Any other “humans” around?

1 year ago

No humans and no bathrooms!!!!!! Love your new sleeping bag, great for dad also. I think the hike down was a bit dangerous and the view wasn’t so great but it looked like nice weather and everyone was having a nice time.
Your cooking skills are truly amazing. I expect you to cook when I come so I won’t have to😂😉👍Thank you for finding the rock and making mom carry it😊