Coast Trip – Fall 2022

I spent some of my allowance last week on a blanket kit. I had to cut all of the fringe and then tie the two sides together.

I didn’t have school on Friday for Veteran’s Day, so we went to the coast for a long weekend. We stayed at Nye Beach in Newport. This was the view from our balcony:

I enjoyed sitting by the window and sketching the waves:

Friday morning, we walked on the beach. Someone had created a labyrinth in the sand, so we walked it:

Next we headed to the Oregon Coast Aquarium:

I got to pet sea stars, anemones, urchins, sea cucumbers, and more:

There was an underwater tunnel with lots of sharks:

After the aquarium, we headed down the coast to see Thor’s Well, a spouting sea horn:

On Saturday, we went surfing at Otter Rock:

After a good number of spills

I was surfing!

After a couple of hours in the cold surf, we went to see Devil’s Punchbowl:

We ended the day with a trip to the harbor:

Sea lions:

We went to a tapas restaurant for dinner. Butternut squash soup:


Pisto Manchego:

Charred veggies:

And, my favorite, garlic shrimp:

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1 year ago

Wow what a great time it looked like you had. I’ll bet that water was cold even with the wetsuits.

James Cullion
James Cullion
1 year ago

Great fun! Maybe Pop can give you some surfing pointers. ❤️

1 year ago

Even though it looked cold it looks like a really nice trip for everyone. Lots of fun things to do and see. Loved the Devils Punchbowl. I was amazed at your surfing capabilities 👍The ending was perfect. Sea lions and good food. One lucky little boy💕

1 year ago

What a fabulous trip!! I’m so impressed with your surfing!…. great job! ! What a beautiful photo of Otter Rock beach from up high.
My favorite also would have been the garlic shrimp.
Keep taking advantage of visiting all the wonderful destinations around you… such lucky people! ❤️

1 year ago

I meant to mention something about the blanket … it looks great! I’m glad you chose the pattern you did… and that we figured out the directions for the fringe. Another successful project!

1 year ago

Great trip – brings back good memories.

1 year ago

And now surfing added to your many skills. Good job! Looks like an interesting and fun weekend!