May Day Race I

Let me start with, The Bigs let me skip school to go skiing. Gasp. But, it was to go to a four way ski race. What’s that? Don’t worry, we didn’t know either. In this case, it was a nordic race, a jumping competition, and then two downhill races. This race was hosted by MSBSEF and ski teams from Washington, Oregon, and California came to compete.

Here I am at the start of the nordic race. I am on the far right.

Here I am, seconds later, pulling to the front. Notice the size of the kid keeping up with me. This race was U-10. That means the kids in the race could be 7, 8, 9, or 10. Only one other kid was born in 2015, the rest were older than me.

Here I am pulling away from the pack.

Here I am headed to the finish line. You’ll notice, there is no one behind me. I dropped them. I finished 30 seconds before the next kid. The race was only 4min it was fast and hard, and 30 seconds is a big lead.

What, I won?

Winning feels good.

Here I am waiting for the awards ceremony. The Bigs were more than a little worried I wouldn’t get on the podium when my name was called.

With a little encouragement, and maybe a shove, I did.

The jump competition was the same day. Did I mention it was raining? A lot? I’ve never jumped before, forget competed in jumping, but they had the rules written down, so no problem right?

Dad was not able to capture an image of me jumping, but here’s the course. Let’s just say, I completed two jumps without embarrassing myself. Success in our book.

Up next was a GS in the sun on Saturday.

And then another GS in the rain, snow, sun on Sunday.

Going off Great Aunty Cheryl’s recommendation, we made Mouth-Numbing Noodles. Everyone loved them!

And The Bigs made and ate curry chickpea salad with toasted coconut. They liked it. I was NOT eating it.

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1 year ago

Congratulations on your Nordic success. Well done.

1 year ago

Great job in the competitions over the weekend Em. You crushed them in the Nordic race, including that giant next to you at the start. Another week of delicious looking, nutritious meals.

1 year ago

Look at you You are a skiing machine. Way to go👍The weather wasn’t the best but that didn’t stop you.Dinner looked delicious except I have to agree with you on the chickpea salad😛

James Cullion
James Cullion
1 year ago

Standing tall(est) on that TOP step Emmett .!. CONGRATULATIONS.

1 year ago

What a full weekend of racing! Phenomenal job! I love how you felt so good after the Nordic win. You looked pretty darn good on the top spot of the podium!
The mouth-numbing noodles look so pretty, but I’m afraid probably too spicy for me!