The Bigs are Back to School

The Bigs are back to school, so it was a less than exciting week. I’m pretty much doing everything now. Even the grocery shopping. Sigh.

My domestic prowess is not limited to the kitchen. This week I made this pillow during aftercare.

The highlight of the week was a trip to Playful Paws Cat Cafe with my favorite neighbor, Becky. There were 10 cats to play with and pet (and adopt – but The Bigs are lame and we still do not have a cat).

This week The Bigs made plum chutney – which was delicious but not photogenic and roasted butternut squash with apple.

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Carol Cullion
Carol Cullion
11 months ago

Boy. You do everything there. You spoil them😂😂. That is a nice pillow. Are you doing any cleaning to help nan when I come??I expect a little help with you and pop around🤦🏼‍♀️
Guess you’ll be making meals with plums for a long time.

11 months ago

What fun to go to a Cat Cafe!! Did you find a favorite? The black and white one was quite cute….. maybe you’ll be able to persuade the Bigs one day to adopt a kitty 🐯.
I can’t believe how tall you’ve become! Especially evident in the pic of you reaching for some veggies in the grocery store.