Love Your Mother. Abuse Your Mom.

We made an Earth Day dessert. Worms (gummy variety) in mud (chocolate pudding) and dirt (crushed chocolate cookies).

Earth Day is serious business, but sometimes you have to have a little fun.


You must read The Lorax on Earth Day.

“Only if someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” – Dr. Seuss

I had a sick patient to take care of this week.

I gave her a very thorough exam.

And decided a shot to the neck was needed. What is elder abuse?

I am working very hard at learning how to tie these boots.

I really get things done. Just a few of the things I did this week.

I emptied the truck of berm builder:

Helped Dad move an irrigation line that was right where we want to put a new tree

Unloaded the tree

And made chocolate chip, cinnamon beer bread.

Some other food we had:

Senegalese mango and coconut rice pudding

Roasted brussels with black garlic sauce

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4 years ago

Irrigation specialists and little medicinal help is exactly what I need around here.

4 years ago

You are a busy boy Emmett. You eat worms!!!! I knew you would eat anything but not worms!!! I hope you made mom better. Brussels xx sprouts and bread look good. You can keep the mango thing!

Cheryl Cullion
Cheryl Cullion
4 years ago

Boy those worms looked mouth watering. What’s next chocolate covered crickets? Yummy

I hope that wasn’t bleach you were injecting into your mother’s neck. I hear there is a shortage of that stuff and it shouldn’t be wasted.

4 years ago

Had a great conversation with Em last night (and his Dad) – very articulate (both). Promised more pictures.

4 years ago

The roasted B. sprouts look very yummy! The new tree looks great, too… you’ve all done great things to celebrate Earth Day, especially including worms in your meal plans! And you’re really helping the Lorax do his wise work!
Great job tying your boots, Em!