Holey guacamole, crumpets!

First strawberries of the year:

I am getting pretty good at this catching business:

Wednesday night is picnic night:

Making guacamole to top our burgers:

Making crumpets. Yes, crumpets:

Look closely. I’m actually in this photo. See if you can find me:

You probably cannot see them, but even my sunglasses are camo:

It was Pop’s birthday, so I made him a cake:

We won’t say how old he is, but happy birthday, Pop:

Sunday at the bike park:

Latest addition to the garage, a rack for my ride:

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4 years ago

Was the number on the cake a hint? That bike rack was very clever. Are all your strawberries that big or were you guys showing off.

James F Cullion
James F Cullion
4 years ago

That is the most eye watering birthday cake I’ve never tasted! Great to see everyone yesterday! ❤️ Jim

4 years ago

Camo galore!! Even sunglasses! I didn’t know there was such a thing. Loved the camo vest. Picnic night looks fun. Hope it’s relaxing. I love guacamole. Can you send me some?? The bike park looks a little more challenging the the pump track. Beautiful weather here this week hope you have the same. And, I’m glad you are good with your glove.

Cheryl Cullion
Cheryl Cullion
4 years ago

There were a couple of pictures without anyone in them, just a couple of windows and a door. What was that all about/