Hiking man

I am determined to hike South Sister – an 11.5 mile round trip hike with 4900 feet of climbing. The Bigs took me on a training hike. We climbed Mt. Bachelor. Eight miles round trip and 2700 feet of climbing. I did it no problem.

Nan, does this count as a heart stone?

I’m also pretty into tennis these days. I even bought myself a sweatband so I could look like the guys at the US Open.

Dad made New Roots’ “Life Changing Loaf of Bread” this week. Didn’t work – life around here is the same.

I was inspired and made up a bread recipe. It had oats, bananas, walnuts, currents, and cinnamon. It was pretty good!

I had my yearly check up with Dr. Mills. She always asks me if I eat the rainbow, so I took a picture of my dinner to bring to my appointment. Rainbow? Check.

And then, I made this pizza for lunch one day. I used a tortilla, put some cheese, shredded pork, and red onion. Delicious!

Bigs’ Anniversary

I’m still sick. I even stayed home from school one day. It was GREAT. The Bigs let me lounge on the couch and watch movies. Here I am enjoying “Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs”.

This week was The Bigs’ wedding anniversary. They didn’t seem to think it was a big deal, but I did. I started the morning with a card and dinner plans.

We went for a bike ride after school/work and then headed to the Yacht (or yot, as I like to spell it) Club for dinner.

And then I insisted on taking an anniversary portrait. I believe many of you readers have experienced my portrait taking, so you can feel for the Bigs. I decided the best place to take the shot would be in the garage…because I had made a huge Happy Anniversary sign and hung it from my trapeze, of course. I added the stool and framed picture to nicen things up.

This weekend we rode one of the greatest trails in Bend, Mrazek. Only one person fell. She’s not in this picture.

In other news, I have started work on the Colosseum. They figure it took between 7 and 8 years to build the real one, The Bigs reckon it may take as long to build the Lego one.

I’ve also been very busy in the kitchen. Just this morning, I seared pork,

seasoned it, wrapped it in banana leaves, and put it in the crockpot to cook.

I also made salads for all of us for lunch. Like all great cooks, I have someone to clean up after I am finished…

I wrapped up the weekend at Meera’s birthday pool party. They rented a private pool in someone’s backyard for a couple of hours. It was 55 degrees and cloudy, but the pool was 94 degrees and they had a hot tub. It was awesome!

First Grade

This week we went for a paddleboard at Suttle Lake.

And finished up with a swim.

I also took a tennis lesson. It was so fun!

We hit the courts later in the week so I could practice. I like serving.

It was also my first week of first grade.

School made me tired and I caught a cold, but that didn’t keep me from hitting the pool with Hadley this weekend.

Diamond Peak Backpacking 2022

This week, we went backpacking. We started at Odell Lake

and headed along the Trapper Creek Trail for about 6 miles.

We camped at Diamond View Lake.

The next day we took Crater Butte Trail

and about mile 6, we realized that we were out of water and there would be no water on our route for several more miles. So, we took a detour. Encouraged by the name of the trail. How can you go wrong when you are headed to MARIE Lake?

We took a dip and filled our waters and then hiked another 3 miles before setting up camp just off the Pacific Crest Trail.

The following day we made our way around Diamond Peak.

And then headed to Yoran Lake.

Before getting to Yoran, we stopped for a dip in Lils Lake.

Dad and I swam out to a small island.

After our swim, we hiked a bit more and then set up camp at Yoran Lake.

Mom made us take many family pictures.

Back at home, I made a new recipe – fruit pizza.

I did not like it. Come to find out, I don’t care for pineapple and the cream cheese ‘sauce’ and glaze both were sweetened with pineapple juice.

We also had soba noodle salad with smoked salmon.

I am reading Chronicles of Narnia, Book 5, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, so I am pretty obsessed with sailboats at the moment. Here I am making a sail.

Crater Lake 2022

Lots of work this week. First, I had to repair our fence:

I replaced three posts.

Then, I planted a tree, a columnar white pine:

I finally got some time off, and we went to Crater Lake:

We hiked to Watchman Peak:

and then hiked down to Cleetwood cove for a swim (that is Dad, not me, jumping off the cliff):

I constructed an entire Lincoln Log village:

and worked on my bike jumping:

On Sunday, I did a triathlon at the pool. Here I am getting ready for the swim:

Heading out for the bike leg:

and finishing up with the run:

Some food from the week. Cool it Noodle Salad with radishes and peas:

Emerald City Salad with cucumber, avocado, and mint:

East Coast Part II: CT and RI

After the Cape and a short stop at Nan and Pop’s, we headed to Connecticut to visit Papa, Yaya, Coby, and Theo. I did a lot of dog walking, and even picked up poop! We also hit the links for my first round of mini golf:

We took a trip to Yaya’s shop and a walk through Elizabeth Gardens:

Next, it was back to Rhode Island for some time at the beach:

We went paddle boarding on Ninigret Pond

and floated with the outgoing tide:

Unfortunately, I got stung by a clinging jellyfish! (2+ weeks later, and I still have a scab!)

I drove Pop’s tractor:

and took a ride in his race car:

and did a lot of gardening:

I also got to spend a lot of time with my cousins:

On my birthday, we started the day at Allie’s Donuts, where we picked up my cake and had a donut.

Next, we headed to the Yawgoo Valley Water Park for some water sliding:

followed by slip-and-sliding in the backyard:

I had giant maple-frosted donut cake. It was delicious.

Flying out the next day, I was not happy to leave:

East Coast Part I: Cape Cod

Looking down at our beach in Wellfleet.

A trip to Race Point:

A late afternoon swim at Duck Harbor:

A hike and swim at Great Island:

Off for some rafting fun:

Sunrise from the cottage:

The cottages:

The steps (54) to the cottages:

The food we ate. I helped GUM (or as I like to call him, Gummy Bear) make waffles.

The first of many oysters shucked by Dad:

Bluefish, cod, scallops, and Pop’s veggies.

More of Pop’s veggies.

So much fun, I wore myself out.

Hood River 2022

Guess what? I’ve been busy. I am working on jumping my bike.

I discovered the joy of a good Cuban sandwich.

And I watched Iron Chef on Netflix with The Bigs. It inspired me to create some new recipes. This is a grilled fried rice sandwich.

Here I am making a dessert recipe.

Wasn’t half bad!

And while Mom made Dad peach salad and rice noodle salad for his birthday,

I made dessert. Apples, peanut butter, melted chocolate chips, and avocado chocolate ice cream.

Next up we went to Hood River for the week. I biked through a tunnel like the Tour de France riders.

Had my favorite breakfast, the bagel, egg, and ham sandwich.

Hiked to Umbrella Falls.

Did some swimming. See the buoys behind me.

I swam to them when Mom wasn’t looking. Startled her a bit.

Worked on jumping my bike some more.

Went cherry picking.

We picked this on Wednesday. By Sunday it was all gone.

I did a paddle boarding clinic with a 3x world champion stand up paddle boarder. This was the warm up:

And made lots of mischief with my buddy Kailia

And now I am packed and ready for my next adventure…

Independence Day 2022

The Bigs are bothered by how I wear socks all the time. They say things like: ‘it’s summer., free your toes’. They are particularly bothered by my sock and Croc combination. Seems like a good choice for dribbling practice to me.

After two weeks of mountain biking camp – I am a machine. I also have lots of new rides to take The Bigs on.

But, I am always up for an oldie but goodie like a ride to the chicken (which someone painted red, white, and blue for the Fourth).

I love all things Independence Day and kept busy making lots of patriotic art. Here I am painting a piece of wood to look like a flag.

I made sure my outfit was festive too.

I’ve been pretty busy each week. The Bigs signed me up for all kinds of camps. This week was rock climbing camp. I loved it and it made me so tired – but I still found some time to goof around with Hadley…

and to do some swimming and paddleboarding.

The Bigs have decided we should have reading hour in the afternoon. I believe it is them being lazy. Sometimes I notice them reading with their eyes closed…but I’ve always been a big reader, so I don’t mind.

One exciting new meal this week. Pork with ginger, green onion, and eggplant.


When we read Harry Potter, I like to ask what words I don’t know mean. Just this week, I asked what orb, object (v), slipstream, stupidity, prophecy, accusations, ignorant, encompassed, gravely, mediocre, whereabouts, solicitously, dais, underestimate, reluctantly, justice, and cheeky meant. The Bigs solution? They bought me a very large dictionary (which was incredibly hard to find, but the nice folks at Dudley’s Bookshop found us one and told me the first word I needed to look up was etymology).

This week and next, I have mountain bike camp in the morning for three hours. I am the youngest rider. Afterwards, I go to swim lessons or help around the house.

Here I am walking to Freddies to pick up some groceries.

On Saturday I went to the pool to practice stuff from lessons.

I also got in a little tennis.

The Bigs found me napping a lot this week.

Some food of the week. Father’s Day dinner: chicken marbella and peach and raspberry salad with Chinese five spice.

We also went to the Yacht Club with a gift certificate I bought Dad for Father’s Day (wink, wink, Pop). Dad had a burrito bowl,

I had a shimshon bowl (hummus, pickled veggies, greens, israeli Salad, shrimp, flat bread, and sauce).

And Mom had a poke bowl with tuna, seaweed salad, avocado, and ghost sauce.

Another thing we made this week was roast sweet potatoes with fresh figs.

And I made raspberry lemonade using a recipe from my Highlights Magazine (thanks, Nan)

I also made my own popsicles. One half lime, one half pomegranate.