
Dad is building me a light saber. It has a way to go. I want it now. Patience you must have my young Padawan.

This week’s science experiment: elephant toothpaste!

Is it going to explode?!

Nah. Pretty cool, though!

Hadley and Hudson came over for dinner.

And Meera came over on the weekend. Two play dates in one week. Mom and Dad will never be the same.

The harvest from our cherry tree was less than impressive.

You thought the landscaping project was done, didn’t you? You must know the Bigs don’t rest…

check our our new hanging plants in the backyard:

and new planters on the front porch.

Best part is: everything is watered automatically!

Dad’s birthday was this week, so we wore funny hats:

And had carrot cake:

My latest construction project. I’m learning to use screws:

Rollin’ with my Gnomies.

I’ve been busy redoing our sprinkler system:

It’s almost complete:

Some pictures of our updated landscaping:

I’ve also been very busy sewing a pillow:

Big week on the bike. I made it to ELV, home of the gnomes:

I’m the one on the right:

Making some brownies:

Mango “chicken” stir fry:

Fourth of July #5

We like privacy. We do not like looking at neighbors’ houses. So for our first project this week, I raised our bamboo privacy wall. I think the neighbors are happy, but the Bigs said they would probably prefer a sound-proof wall. I don’t understand why.

Air traffic control:

Fourth of July preparations:

I even clean up:

The result:

Watermelon salad to go with the cupcakes:

Fourth-of-July paddleboarding:

I took a nap, so I could stay up for the fireworks. They started at 10:00! I did some sparklers while waiting:

While wearing ear protection, of course:

We planted a new tree this week. A Serbian weeping spruce. Here it is in its pot:

And here it is in its new home:

We’re redoing our irrigation system, which means a lot of trenching:

But, more importantly, it means large piles of dirt to play in:

Construction, baking, landscaping. That’s not all. I also do windows:

Oh, and, I almost forgot, I’m also a smokejumper:

Steens Mountain Camping

We went to Steens Mountain for a few days of hiking and camping. We stayed on the Blitzen River.

We only saw one really large snake on this hike.

I like hiking this year:

The second day, we went for a hike on the Mud Creek Trail:

There was a stream crossing, so I hitched a ride:

I spent most of the hike looking for ‘chocolate’ and putting my footprints in it:

It was hot. Really, really hot:

Roasting marshmallows back at the campsite:

Frenchglen, Oregon. Social distancing since 1872:

On day three, we hiked the Pike Creek Trail. I navigated:

The last night, we camped on the Alvord Playa:

No rules there, so I got to drive:

I think I’ll be a better driver once I can see over the dashboard.

Farmer’s tan or dirt? Maybe a bit of both:

Amazing sunset/lightning storm:

In the morning, I went for a bike ride in the desert:

Dad was running, but he could not keep up. I’m the little speck in the distance:

Finally, heading back to camp:

And, this is what I looked like on the drive home:

I’m working on learning to jump rope.

Strawberries were waiting for us when we got home:

Sweet broccolini with tofu, sesame, and cilantro:

Day of the Father 5

The Bigs went paddle boarding without me on Friday. Not cool.

Maybe it is because I eat all the strawberries from our berry patch before they get any:

Father’s Day breakfast on the porch:

I made Dad a concrete cup and a pine tree coaster:

Mountain biking at Phil’s:

Cleaning my bike:

We tried out some new recipes this weekend. Some were good and some were not so good.

Wheat berries with swiss chard and pomegranate molasses – I took two thank you bites to be polite:

Father’s Day dinner: mushroom risotto. The Bigs say this was good. I don’t do mushrooms.

I did LOVE the cantaloupe, arugula, and pistachio salad though:

Mom and I made oatmeal chocolate chip cookie gelato sandwiches for dessert:

They were delicious.

Holey guacamole, crumpets!

First strawberries of the year:

I am getting pretty good at this catching business:

Wednesday night is picnic night:

Making guacamole to top our burgers:

Making crumpets. Yes, crumpets:

Look closely. I’m actually in this photo. See if you can find me:

You probably cannot see them, but even my sunglasses are camo:

It was Pop’s birthday, so I made him a cake:

We won’t say how old he is, but happy birthday, Pop:

Sunday at the bike park:

Latest addition to the garage, a rack for my ride:

Dillon Falls Hike

Han Solo, frozen in carbonite:

Wednesday night picnic and soccer at the river:

Making a citrus battery to power an alarm clock:

And, a potato battery to light an LED:

Measuring the battery voltage with a multi-meter (it was 2.5 V):

Mountain biking at Phil’s:

First watermelon of the year:

Hiking along the river:

Our destination, Dillon Falls:

After our hike, Meera AND Hadley came over! We made princess crowns:

and danced:

Hyderabadi mixed vegetables and lemon rice with peanuts:

Whipped coffees:

Grating some rutabaga for dinner:

which was sweet and sour celery root and rutabaga salad with capers and dried sour cherries:

and ciabatta:

More shelves for the garage:


I ride to the Flaming Chicken all by myself this year – no towing.

Getting suited up for my trip to the ISS:

On board the Dragon crew capsule:

Watching the real thing with Dad. Liftoff!

Backyard science! The volcano is about to erupt:

A new shelf/shovel rack to organize the garage:

Pumpkin cashew cheesecake. I did NOT like it. This made the Bigs very happy. More for them:

Ridiculously spicy red kidney bean curry:

Charred corn and avocado quinoa salad:

Shrimp and apple salad (sounds weird, but oh so good):

Mushrooms and corn in a spicy (again, Mom? Don’t you learn?) curry:

Castle of Dragons 2020

Yaya sent me The Big Book of Experiments. Here I am making dancing raisins (currants, actually). I love science. I demand to do a new experiment every night.

Next experiment: secret messages.

Third experiment: rainbow bubble snake.

The Bigs are determined not to let me be one of these kids who can’t tell time on an analog clock. Up next: cursive writing.

We did our annual bike ride to the Castle of Dragons this weekend. I hitched a ride up, along with my bike:

but I rode down. Dad cannot keep up:

Every week you see all of these yummy food pics. Here is a look at who is actually making that food:

Shaved Brussel sprout salad with apples, cranberries, and pecans, along with a loaf of wheat sourdough bread:

Here I am preparing sesame soba noodles with snow peas, radishes, and cilantro:

Shiitake ramen:

The Weaver

I sense trouble with The Force:

Don’t worry, Mom. I have it handled.

One thing I love almost as much as lightsabers…powertools

Weaving a pot holder. Thank you, Nana!

Making an origami dog:

Hadley came over to play. We did what any pair of four-year-olds would do: played engineer teachers:

Followed by a bit of light gardening (mud play):

Scones and smoothies for breakfast:

This is how I feel about scones:

Pesto pizza with fennel and cauliflower:

Stir-Fried tofu shiitakes and green beans:


Pomegranate and mint potato salad:

Coconut black rice bowls with tofu and asparagus: