Fahoo Fores Dahoo Dores

As a rule, I love the library. But this week, I LOVE the library.

Why? Because train man was there!

The Bigs are not super smart. Start a weekend off with Train Man and it is quite possible that everything else that follows is a disappointment. Good thing for them there was plenty of skiing and Christmas activities to do.

I can totally ride the lift, but it is pretty cool to go through a tunnel to get to the slopes.

I thought Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer was a song. This movie is AWESOME.

Race ya, Dad.

What do you mean I’m supposed to let him win, Mom?

Construction and cookies? Win win.

No kit. No problem.

Dad was taking too long making a wreath from an old bike wheel…

so, I made my own.

I guess Dad’s turned out OK too.

Holiday Lights

Story time with Santa:

Monday was the Growing Tree Christmas singalong. We went to Poke Row for dinner beforehand. I had the kid’s bowl with shrimp, avocado, cucumber, carrots, and rice:

Mom had the NWX Signature Bowl:

and Dad had the Tyler Bowl:

At the singalong with Riley. Getting ready to sing:

I wore a nice sweater, but I worked up such a sweat before the show, my teachers took it off, and I sang in my shark t-shirt. The Bigs were not impressed.

Decorating the tree:

Saturday, I did some cross country skiing in the morning. Then Hadley came over to play. We got a little wild:


After my play date with Hadley, it was time to get ready for Holiday Lights Bike Ride:

Skiing with the Bigs:


Mom’s birthday was this week. I made her a cheesecake,

let her borrow my candles,

and wear my party hats. I’m quite the guy.

Nan and Pop took us to dinner at Trattoria Sbandati to celebrate:

Piatto di formaggi misti:

Tagliatelle ai funghi porcini:

Bowling with Nan and Pop:

I let them win.

It was Christmas tree weekend:

After a long search, we finally found the perfect tree. I let Dad help me cut it down:

After cutting the tree, we had to hurry back to get to The Nutcracker:

Sunday, we had breakfast with Santa at McMenamins:

Supervising the tree installation:

Thanksgiving #5

We got some snow. I finally get to shovel:

and make snow angels:

and ski. Yes, I am cheating on the uphills:

I do the pulling on the downhills, so Dad can keep up:

I love the snow, but our hedgehogs are not happy to be buried:

First day of ‘pine skiing:

Nan and Pop are here!

You think you’re the boss of this job, Pop? Wha ha ha.

Oh, yes. The snowman has beer bottle arms. The Bigs go out for a ski, and Pop and I get a little crazy.

We had turkey for Thanksgiving. And every meal since. Spatchcocked, grilled Narragansett turkey:

Monkey Face

Making some brownies:

Testing the batter:

Yup. It’ll do.

The Bigs said to match the socks

Both Batman.

Yup. That’ll do.

Scrambled eggs for breakfast. Nine eggs, no shells!

Hiking at Smith Rock. This way to Monkey Face, Dad.

Monkey Face!

Getting ready for the movie:

Movie time!

Ninja training:


Man of many hats this week. Artist:



Santa + reindeer:

Santa + reindeer + sleigh + deliveries (I do not mess around):

I took the Bigs mountain biking. We went to the Flaming Chicken:

Then I took them to Monkless for dinner (look at the view from their heated deck!):

It was, in fact, 100% monk free. And, they had beer on the kids’ menu:

Poutine with a poached egg:


Belgian Frikadellen meatballs:

Meatballs? Yes, please:

And, of course, beer:

Wild Animals

I’ve been making popsicles lately. Thanks, Nana!

Meera came over to play this weekend. Here I am waiting for her to show up:

Wild animals:

We did some construction:

some ladder climbing:

and some popsicle eating:

My new bed finally has a proper comforter and some planet sheets:

Halloween #5

The Bigs are working on getting the blog fixed. Finally, you get to see my Halloween costume. Guess what I was:


I hit all of the houses in our neighborhood and got quite a haul. I’ll add it to my candy left over from last Halloween.

We’ve been doing some fall yard cleanup lately. Here I am helping with the leaves:

Enjoying the nice fall weather at Grassy Pump Track:

I go over the big jumps now:

Bridge riding:

Trying out my Eastern-European look: