Been a while since my last regular blog, so lots to catch up on here. I used my Boy Scout Handbook to learn to tie a tie:

Jameson came with us to Elk Lake one day:

We (he, mostly) caught a lot of crayfish. Some were huge!

Hunter came over for a sleepover:

The Mother was pretty nervous about it going well, so she she cooked and baked (just like The Nan would). She made four different kinds of pizza.


Pesto and chicken:

And zucchini, broccoli, and feta:

And she made chocolate chip cookies for dessert.

We camped out in the backyard:

It went great. No cooking and baking needed, but it was yummy.
I’m back in school. First-day photo:

We drove to Beaverton to buy a new (to us) truck:

We’ve done some repairs. The garage door opener liked to open by itself intermittently. Not cool, so we replaced it. Now we can tell from our phones if it is open.

The oven broke. We could still turn it on, but we could only turn it off by turning off the circuit breaker in the garage. Inconvenient. We fixed it:

I went mountain biking with Jameson and his dad:

His dad took us out for lunch and ice cream:

The Mother tried out a new recipe last week. Baked potatoes with egg and tonnato sauce (egg yolks, lemon juice, parsley, tuna, capers, anchovies, garlic, and olive oil). Not our favorite.

It was the Bigs’ 17th anniversary this Sunday. We went to Podski’s for pierogies and Thai food to celebrate:

Very busy and those pizzas looked delicious. Good luck with your new truck.
Happy anniversary to the bigs! Hopefully the oven was fixed before The Great Oregonian Bake Off!❤️
Loved this blog. Lots of activities with friends. Camping out in yard. Fun. I guess the mother takes after the nan when she gets nervous and cooks but the pizzas looked wonderful like pops. Hope everyone is feeling better. Glad the stove got repaired and the garage door. So many things happening 🤦🏼♀️
What a week! Happy anniversary, happy 1st day of school, happy sleepovers, happy/successful fixing situations! I sure wish you lived near me…..I have SO-OOO-OOO many things that need fixing!! Also, a beautiful new truck! The old one served you well for so long, but it was time for a new one….and it’s a beauty!