Backcountry Man

Nowadays, you’ll find me reading a good book

or doing some calculations (love the calculator, Uncle Chris) when I am at home.

When I am not at home, I am skiing. Here I am skiing GS,

waxing my skis (yes, The Bigs continue to farm out work),

and backcountry skiing.

I had Monday off, so we went for a backcountry ski near Todd Lake.

They don’t make backcountry equipment my size, so I wore cross country skis to get to the hill we wanted to ski and Dad carried my alpine skis and boots on his back.

Here I am heading up to the top of the ridge.

And here I am coming down.

Dad and I did an extra lap. For this one, he towed me up…

I was a pooped and hungry camper when I got back to the car.

The Bigs are back to work, so the exciting new meals have slowed down. Only one new recipe this week. Coconut dal with tomato sambol.

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2 years ago

That looks like a lot of work. I prefer the one you ski up to this machine. I think it’s called lift 😂😂😂

Carol Cullion
Carol Cullion
2 years ago

Too much work and too cold no matter how pretty the scenery or how easy you make all your different types of skiing look.
since uncle Chris gave you a calculator can you help me balance my checkbook? Uncle Chris would appreciate it since the way I do it makes him want to cry😂😂😂
I’m glad you are an avid reader. If you read any more good ones like Harry Potter let me know. 👍

2 years ago

There sure is a lot of different types of equipment one needs to do all the kinds of skiing you do!
I think the coconut dal with tomato sambol looks yummy…I’ll have to look it up. I’m a bit jealous of all the snow you’re getting…. we haven’t had any to speak of and I’ve only skied once… and it was very sparse and man-made. And it rained again today. Very sad….