This week we decided to go on an overnight backpacking trip to a lake.

Our route took us on part of the Pacific Crest Trail. I asked if we could take it all the way to Mexico. The Bigs had some lame excuse about only having enough food for two days.

We went to South Matthieu Lake instead. Trail 4062. See:

We saw pollywogs,



and mountains.

3.5 miles carrying some water, swim trunks, and puppy was soooo hard.

No rest for the weary though. The Bigs said our tent is not big enough for the three of us, and there is no way puppy can stay with us too. I built him a shelter. That’s the kind of guy I am.

No, Dad, it goes here.

Puppy somehow made it into the tent – here he is enjoying the view in the morning.

Back home. Time for science. This week: foaming sandcastles.

I also did another big ride and went on another new trail. This week: part of COD.

I went to Hudson’s birthday party as well. There was a water slide,

hot dogs, and Hadley. I was in heaven.

What a busy family. Your hike and camping had some beautiful lakes and flowers but the trees needed some greenery. A water slide?? Fun. Hadley seems to have replaced Meera. Love the orange shorts and shirt. Wonder where they’re from??
Quite the camper. Did you swim in the lake or was it too cold. Nice to take a little break from all the landscaping you guys have been doing.
Emmett, I see you had to carry most of the weight in your pack, that used to happen with me with you know who-just kidding. Glad you are being broken in to the backpacking tradition!
What a wonderful backpacking trip! And it looked as though you all were having a happy time!