It was The Bigs’ 14th wedding anniversary. WE celebrated at the Midtown Yacht Club with

Mezze platters (baba ganoush with pistachios and feta , olives with almonds and orange, Moroccan carrots with mint, fried cauliflower with tahine, pita and falafel)

and halvah for dessert. The Bigs were not entirely sure what this was, but it sure was tasty.

Pork and Beans Man. You may think this is a funny-looking getup, but wait…

It gets even better:

Practicing my chords:

We’ve had fall-like weather lately, and that means rainbows:

We also did some weekend mountain biking at Phil’s:

Moroccan lentil salad with apricots and almonds:

You are just the height of fashion with your pork and beans hat. Do you wear it to school?
I want to know if you wear it to bed? Makes me think of Andy Warhol!❤️
That’s some outfit M. I hope whenever I visit I will be able to help you dress. You took a great picture of mom and dad for their 14th anniversary. Food was a bit strange but enjoyed by all.
I’m glad you were practicing your chords and took a break from cooking. We are on block island. We wish you all were here.
Your Pop had a hat like that, didn’t have the cool Pork and Beans label on it though. They called it a surfer hat. So are you able to play “Tip Toe Through the Tulips” on your Uke yet?
14 years!! And many more wonderful years to follow! ❤️
Great photo of Mom and Em!
The Moroccan lentil salad with apricots and almonds looks yummy. Is it a Webb home-made dish or something you had out somewhere?