
This is me in February 2016:

This is me in February 2021:

Pretty much the only thing that has changed is the fact that I am now aware of Mom constantly taking my picture.

This is me and Dad in February 2016:

Here we are in February 2021:

I sure do love my books, so between a trip to the library and a new book from Yaya and Papa, this was pretty much an awesome week. (Dad still has his ski clothes on because I refuse to wait until he has changed to read my new books.)

I also had some time to dress up. Here I am as an explorer:

Steve Jobs,

and Mr. Rogers.

As you can see, I am working on a capsule wardrobe.

I also did some skiing. On Saturday, most of the lifts were closed. Mount Bachelor received 122 inches of snow in February, with something like 2 feet coming this past week. That combined with heavy winds made it hard for them to keep up. We had a breezy, chilly Saturday of skiing, followed by AMAZING bluebird skies and warm temperatures on Sunday.

Here is the lift chair ‘bench’ at the nordic center on January 17:

And here it is (I’m basically standing on it) today:

DAD. Do not let Mom watch any more of the Annie Lebovitz Master Class. She is driving me crazy with the picture taking.

The Bigs don’t make my food anymore. If I say I want a snack, they tell me to make it myself. Lazy. My favorite right now is bagel with a great deal of butter and cinnamon sugar.


Other things we ate this week: refritos and maduros bowl,

Brussel sprouts with browned butter and black garlic,

and dal with Indian rice.

And here I am ripping it up:

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4 years ago

Books are wonderful ways to relax and sit still and spend quality time. It’s better that you get your own snacks. That way you get what you want. Boy!! that’s a lot of snow!!! You are skiing awesome. I think I would like all the food made this week also.

James F Cullion
James F Cullion
4 years ago

Love the then and now! ❤️

4 years ago

My how you have grown. No skiing 6 years ago but now you are dominating those mountains. Good job!

4 years ago

What a reader. You take after your uncle and your mom and all your other relatives. You certainly have gotten a lot of snow this year. Hopefully next year is as good so Papa and Pop can get some lessons from you.