Camp Tamarack

There is a statue in one of the roundabouts in Bend that gets dressed up for all holidays. Here he is in his 4th of July attire.

The morning of the 4th, we had spinach, mushroom, tomato, and goat cheese frittata with sweet potato waffles. No, The Bigs can’t make/eat normal food – sweet potato waffles, really?

After breakfast, we partook in my new favorite activity. Fly fishing.

Dad rented a rod. We both fished. We did not catch. This was A-Ok with The Mother.

After a fishing odyssey, I set up one of my now-famous bars.

For dinner, we had Zen Bowls with seared Ahi and pickled carrots and daikon:

This week I made normal (who puts sweet potatoes on a pizza?) pizzas for dinner. I’m going to have to talk to Pop about the dough, mine didn’t turn out great, but I was able to salvage it and make a nice pepperoni pie…

and a chicken and pesto one too.

This weekend we did some of the normal stuff, like mountain biking. Here I am on a brief break from a long, long hot climb up Ben’s (it was 82F when we started at 9:30 am).

Saturday was hot. Probably 98 F. Sunday was hotter.

We spent some time dunking in the Deschutes River. The river is about 55 F.

After a dunk, I headed to SLEEPAWAY CAMP. I was scarcited (scared but excited). The Mother had a stomach ache.

Here is my cabin, Elk Cabin.

I got a top bunk. I’ll be sharing Elk with 9 other guys.

The water features looked pretty sweet and should be a nice way to cool off because the ‘heat dome’ is here for a while.

You can also SUP or kayak.

Or do arts & crafts. The Mother is hoping for some nice macrame like the one on the right.

All kids had to head up to the tennis courts after checking in. The counselors nicely told the parents that once their kid stepped on the court, they had to go. Bye, Bigs.

The Bigs are now making every recipe they have always wanted to make but were sure I would not eat. Night 1. Kale, mushroom, and leek subji with wild rice pancakes.

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8 months ago

Wow sure is hot but water at 55 is awful cold. Pizza looked good. You will be giving me pointers. Can’t wait to here about camp.

Carol Cullion
Carol Cullion
8 months ago

Crazy hot weather. Camp looks like it will be fun and lots of things to do. Your pizzas looked great. I didn’t see a thing wrong with them. Sweet potato waffles? Oh well that shouldn’t surprise me.
“Bigs” enjoy your time and relax a bit and eat all your crazy dishes.

James F Cullion
James F Cullion
8 months ago

Hope the bartender is checking ID”s! : )

8 months ago

Camp Tamarack looks great! I imagine you’ll have a wonderful time. Can’t wait to hear all about it. Crazy weather you’re having out there…. too hot for me…I think the a dip in the Deschutes sounds like a nice cooling refuge for a while, anyhow.