Since last Friday, we have only had ONE day that broke 65 F. Five days were less than 60 F. Plants in our planters died from the cold. It seems like it’s raining all the time. Everyone is grumpy. It was so cold on Mom’s run the other morning, there was ‘steam’ coming off the river.

The day I had mountain biking class, it was moderately warm, but not warm enough for our usual end of class popsicles.

On Saturday it was so cold and rainy we went climbing. Thanks, Papa.

Thankfully it cleared up for Oliver’s summer kickoff party.

This is the view from Oliver’s house. Fancy!

Every year ODOT plows Mackenzie Pass but does not open it to cars for a few weeks. Everyone in Central Oregon makes sure to get over and ride the pass while it is car free. We do it every year and this year we waited and waited for nice weather. It never came, so we bundled up and went today.

Our goal was the Castle of Dragons (AKA the Dee Wright Observatory). I made it no problem, riding almost all 20 miles myself, despite other riders passing me and yelling at me. They would holler things like ‘Nice job, kid!, Wow, buddy!, Good job, little fellow!’. You’d think I was the only 6 year old riding or something.

Enough of the picture taking. Let’s get going.

Great gift for Dad on Father’s Day, Em. Doing MacKenzie Pass on your own with no help from Dad. Nice job!
Guessing the ride down was even mor fun! Congratulations!❤️
Wow looks like Mom is giving a lesson in thermodynamics, steam coming off the water! I rode over Mt Mac many years ago with my bike fully loaded with camping gear (no one said good job to me!). I bet it was a fun ride down!
Where is spring???? It’s been cold here also and showers predicted all the time. That’s such a shame about the hanging plants. They looked wonderful when you put them out.
You are a biking machine Emmett. 20 miles!!! I thought I was terrific riding my 6 miles. 😳I hope the weather gets better soon and you have fun outdoors.
Despite the unkind weather, it seems you all had a great weekend of the Father! Great way to celebrate! I’m impressed at your biking 30 miles!
Oliver’s party looked like fun…..
Where are the food pics??
Meant to mention that your weather last week matched what we’ve been having…. These past two mornings it was in the upper 40’s when I got up…! Sunny here today… I hope your weather is behaving!
Not to be out done this week we drove 7 hours to Rochester swam in one of the Great Lakes (not really too cold) ate at Dinosaur Barbecue visited a large farmers market saw lions and tigers and bears (polar) danced for first time in I don’t know how long and drove by the mythical town of Cazanovia. So yes it does exist.