We need snow. Here I am taking matters into my own hands:

Crane building:

Mom’s birthday:

These party hats make me feel like doing unicorn pose:

Birthday cheesecake. This four candle is getting a workout. It started its life at Ryan’s fourth birthday…

I’ll cut the cake with my light saber (thanks for that great idea Uncle Chris):

Look at this slice, perfect:

Christmas tree hunting:

Supervising the installation of our tree:

‘Helping’ with the lights:


I made up another recipe:

Turkey, potatoes, gravy, lettuce, truffle salt, and pepper salad:

Remember the pumpkin Becky and I carved my name into?

It made a delicious curried pumpkin soup:

We also had a sour apple slaw and five-spice tofu bite bowl this week:

Nice snowflake making and crane building. I think the tree is okay but a few more branches couldn’t hurt. That Uncle Chris. Why does he tell you such crazy stuff. The cheesecake looked wonderful can’t say the same for the turkey or tofu dishes. Loved the construction outfit.
The tree is great…plenty of room for ornaments!
Your tree looks lovely! And what a perfect snowflake Em made!
Looks like you got one of Pops trees out of the yard.