Cinder Pit – Check.

We had two days off from school this week. Why? Good question. If you find out, The Bigs would like to know. They had to work both days, so I helped them out. Here I am fixing one of Mom’s circuits. When I wasn’t helping, I was watching movies or going to the coffee shop to pick them up coffees.

We took a break on Friday and went out for lunch. We went to Parrilla. I haven’t been since Pop took us when I was 4 months old! I had a Nashville Wrap: spicy fried chicken, tots, pickles, vinegar slaw, comeback sauce. YUMMY.

We also stopped by the library for some books. As this blog is being typed, I have already finished three of the books that are in that pile.

And, we went for a much needed haircut. Before.


On Sunday I decided it was time to try and make my goal of skiing to the Cinder Pit at Meissner. Here I am ready to go.

Attacking the hills.

I left the snow park and I’m going to the Cinder Pit, so it should take 4.5 miles, right?

Or is it 5?

It ended up being 4.88 miles to the Cinder Pit and no problem for me. Here I am ringing bell (A must do for everyone who reaches the pit).

Ah, everyone looks so happy, but there are 4.88 miles until we get back. Will we make it?

Of course…because I am a manimal.

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Uncle Chris
Uncle Chris
1 year ago

Beast mode. not like his sissy first cousins. nice haircut but even better nice ll bean sweatshirt…

1 year ago

Pretty impressive working on those circuits. Nice you got a lunch out of it. So it took an hour and forty five minutes to go 5 miles? Which hair did you get cut 😂

Carol Cullion
Carol Cullion
1 year ago

I’m glad you conquered the Cinder Pit. I’m happier that mom made it also. 🤣you earned that delicious wrap. Looking handsome again with the new haircut 💕

Uncle Chris
Uncle Chris
1 year ago

i think the nan is implying you weren’t as handsome pre-haircut and you looked like garbage. that nan…