Coast Trip

I play tennis now. Getting the feel for things on the backboard:

See if any of you tennis experts out there can identify what went wrong here:

We went to the Midtown Yacht Club food truck pod for a belated Father’s Day dinner out (Thanks, Nan and Pop!):

Afterwards, we went to Bonta for Gelato:

It has been hot in Bend. Really hot. We went to the coast for a few days to escape the heat. We stayed along the North Umpqua River on the way to the coast. It was hot there too, but we stayed cool in the river all afternoon.

I got to bike along the river to get to our swimming spot:

The next morning we headed to the beach. We had a beautiful beach all to ourselves at Yoakam Point:

I dug in the sand and ran in and out of the waves for hours. It took me a little while to warm up to the waves:

We camped near the Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area:

Our campsite had a great climbing tree:

The Dunes were amazing:

I’m the little speck in the middle of this photo (the Bigs were hanging back to enjoy a bit of peace and quiet):

Jumping down the dunes was the best:

The next day started off a little foggy and windy, so we went to Sea Lion Caves, a tourist trap that the Bigs have always driven by, because they were too cheap to go in. It was awesome! (The Bigs agreed with that assessment.)

Check out what I’m wearing. It was 110 degrees in Bend when this photo was taken:

Next, we went for a five-mile walk along a beautiful beach.

The beach ended at a cliff.

And, tide pools!

After the walk, it was construction time. I built a sand/rock/driftwood house:

To top off another great day at the beach: roasted marshmallows!

When we headed home the next day, I was just a little tired:

Thursdays are bike-class days:

On Saturday, I got to ride with Isaac again:

Sunday, was the Fourth of July. After a paddle board on the river, Nan and Pop showed up!

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3 years ago

Welcome, Nan and Pop. So many nice pictures. Great pic of Em and Mom now on the frame. Looks like you really did beat the heat at the shore. Nice move.

James Cullion
James Cullion
3 years ago

Doin’ the dunes! Great pictures! Love, Jim

3 years ago

We’re here and now get a first hand look at how much energy you have. The bigs have every right to be tired.
The beach and dunes were beautiful
It was a wonderful escape from the heat. I hope you’ll get to go back there soon.

3 years ago

Leaving the Blog. Exciting and active.

3 years ago

What a heavenly trip you took and you certainly found a beauty of a beach! The National Dunes looked like so much fun!! Loved the action photo, captured in mid-air, of you jumping down the dunes. The coast was such a great way to escape the heat-wave…. hope it’s cooler at home now.