School is back in session. The Bigs are less than excited, but I am fired up! My remote teaching setup, complete with homemade webcam:

Hard at work developing tomorrow’s lecture:

I started my Cog Kids mountain bike class this week. I was NOT happy about it at first. By the end I was asking the Bigs why it was only six weeks long, and if I can do it again next year.

Weekly Rocket Man photo:

I love fall. It means I get to rake leaves,

eat pumpkin bread,

wear sweaters,

and go for hikes. Log walking on the Six Lakes Trail.

We only made it to two of the six lakes, but we had lots of fun. I was prepared for the 45 degree weather. The Bigs were not. Silly Bigs.

The trees were very mossy.

The moss makes a pretty cool tail.

No food other then pumpkin bread? You must be hungry.
How did the lecture go? Was it about hiking and biking? Or. Costumes and moss tails. You love to rake leaves??? Get on a plane and come to Nan and Pop’s house. We have PLENTY of leaves and are too old to rake. Bring some of that pumpkin bread with you. It looked yummy.
Does having your own webcam mean we can start sending invites for Zoom meetings? Get on a plane and come see Yaya and Papa. We won’t make you rake leaves but will invite Nan and Pop over to play with you.
Raking is for the “Bigs”! Rocket Man has more important things to do!
I have lots of leaves here and right now they are very beautiful. In a few weeks there will be lots of them on the ground and lots for you to do. And since I already know that you know how to dress appropriately (not like your bigs) you will be very comfortable here in NH.