May the Fourth be with you.

Yes, we made yoda out of an apple. Why not? And, yes, I ate him. The Bigs are still waiting for displays of yoda-like wisdom as a result. Long wait you have, Bigs.

I’m not sure what a check is or why it has to be signed, but Nan and Pop said sign this and use it to take Mom out for lunch, so I’ll do it. Mom is being difficult and demanding to go to a food truck when it is sunny, so we have not gone yet.

First day of spring mountain bike class.

I didn’t really want to go because they were going to make me ride ‘the skinny (thin log you ride along)’, but I did end up riding it and it was fun.

On Saturday morning I decided to try and find some of the neighborhood deer. I tripped over an uneven sidewalk and fell flat on my face.

There was really no time to nurse my wounds, as I had to plant tomatoes:

and meet Issac for a ride.

One day of mountain biking class and I’m riding skinnies and rocks.

Sunday we went for a ride and run. I rode my bike, dad ran, and mom brought up the rear, running slooooowly. Because it was Mother’s Day we’d circle back to make sure she was OK. That’s the kind of guys we are.

What a great apple Yoda. Such clever ideas you have. You are still handsome albeit scarface. The best part of the blog because I don’t like to see you riding over rocks, is the end part. You and mom on Mother’s day. Wonderful.
Yes Emmett, that is how it happens, you do daring and dangerous things like riding over rocks and narrow planks with no problem. Then you are just walking down the street and then a small misstep and that’s it you are on the ground. Happens all the time. Did you see any deer after all that?
You plant your tomatoes early in Bend. Good luck.
Beautiful Mother and son photos! …. and the one of Yoda! That’s one huge-looking apple you used….what kind is it?
Two favorite pieces of Yoda wisdom…. “Patience you must have, my young Padawan” and “Truly wonderful the mind of a child is”.