Dinner Waffles

Presidents’ Day yoga with the Cosmic Kids Yoga. Mountain pose:



I get to choose one dinner each week. This week, it was waffles!

Sunny powder day on Saturday:

Skiing powder in the morning, jumping my bike in the afternoon:

Saturday’s sun was replaced by Sunday’s rime:

But, I got to ski with Riley!

Tico breakfast – gallo pinto and maduros:

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4 years ago

What no downward dog? I love waffles one of my favorite meals!

4 years ago
Reply to  Cheryl

Another week of skiing and powder to boot. Wish I could be there.

4 years ago

Waffles for dinner!! What a great idea. I don’t have a waffle maker so I guess I’ll have to come visit and get them at your house. skiing looks nice on the sunny day and the other day was ok because of Riley. You are one busy boy. Good thing you do yoga. Slows you down a bit.

James F Cullion
James F Cullion
4 years ago

Food, fun, and friend…A perfect weekend.! BTW Becca, extraordinary job on last week’s ski video. Your cinematic skills are signature and apparently, for me, overshadowed your skiing talent. ❤️ Jim